This college kept getting weirder and weirder.

“Let’s describe him as slow to warm-up and I’ll have a clearer discussion with him about it later?” Was that a good way to say yes but I shouldn’t say yes? Addison had to be sparkly guy but it seemed inappropriate to out him.

Thankfully, my sunshine finally found his gumption. “You’re the bossy one.”

The glaring guy started laughing so hard he looked like he was going to piss himself, so that seemed to mean Addison was right.

We both held our breathes as the other guy stood there looking at Addison oddly. When he grinned, Addison’s grip on my hand finally moved to firm but not bone crushing. “Yeah. And you’re either sparkly guy or the pup because you didn’t cry.”

Still not any more normal, but for some reason, Addison got offended and huffed. “He said he can’t help it. Stop calling him that and call him blue teddy bear guy or green been guy. Those are so squishy, but he really likes them.”

“Sparkly dude.” The nosy guy grinned wide and grabbed Addison for a big hug. “You did it. I wasn’t sure if you would actually show up.”

Addison couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to glare or laugh. “You’re even more annoying in person.”

Several people who’d just come up around us were trying not to laugh, so I had to assume they knew the nosy guy and agreed with Addison.

“You’re right. I am.” Still not offended, nosy guy let Addison go and bounced back to give him some room. “But I know limits and you’re getting cranky and probably overstimulated. So go have fun and then go cuddle with your Daddy and I’ll bug you online later. Bye.”

Then he bounced away like a drunk hurricane just as quickly as he’d shown up.

Once his entourage followed and we were by ourselves again, Addison let out a slightly shaky breath. “I did it. I met online friends in real life and I was me. I was even stern.”

Would telling him how adorable it’d been be a bad thing?

“You did a wonderful job and you set very good boundaries.” That seemed better than calling him stern. “The nosy guy wasn’t offended, though. So I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

Addison groaned, crashing his head into my shoulder. “He’s going to be so nosy later. He’s going to be helpful too.”

For some reason that sounded scarier than just him being nosy.

Before I could remind Addison about what a good job he’d done, he straightened and squared his shoulders. “No, his Daddy will make sure he remembers boundaries. And his fainting friend who doesn’t faint any more will make sure he’s not a pain in the ass.”

Addison knew a lot about these people for never having met them in person.

I didn’t want to interrupt his peptalk, though, so I stayed quiet until he turned to me and gave a slightly stressed smile. “I’m ready to walk around, Daddy, but I don’t think I want to talk to anyone.”

Seemed like a reasonable trade to me.

“Alright, I will do the talking if it comes down to it. You just make notes about which club you want to find out more information about later, and if possible, we’ll find you a sucker or something to stick in your mouth so no one will expect you to talk.” I’d already seen one guy with a binkie and a girl with her thumb in her mouth that looked more easily startled than Addison ever would, so hiding behind candy wouldn’t stand out.

“That’s a great idea.” Addison’s eyes went wide and he seemed to think I was a genius. “Can we go to the store later?”

For suckers?

“Sure.” If that made him more confident, I’d just make sure he brushed his teeth more often. “Come on. Let’s go check out the mac-n-cheese club.”

And we’d make sure we didn’t out the possibly out professor?

I must’ve looked confused because Addison shrugged. “Bossy guy wasn’t outing the professor. He’s kind of out but pretends he’s not and everyone online said just to pretend he’s not a sub.”

That seemed about right for the way the college was run, so I nodded. “I will remember that.”

I didn’t make a habit of Daddying strangers, so I didn’t think it would come up. If it did, the conversation would’ve gone so far off the rails, Addison was going to need that sucker.

“Then lunch.” Looking more at ease with the situation, probably because of the trial by fire with meeting his friend in person, Addison smiled. “I think I need nuggets and a nap later.”

I laughed. “I think that sounds like a wonderful plan.”

He might’ve been ready to recharge his battery but he was adorable and amazingly brave, and I couldn’t have been prouder of him.

Chapter 23


“I don’t care what kind of dog I would be if I wasn’t human. I’m not a pup.” Some people found the weirdest get to know you games ever. “Asking me what kind of vegetable I would be would’ve been more informative. How was I supposed to answer that in just a few seconds? Extroverts are the biggest assholes.”