It was nice when he was right but it was also kind of annoying. I liked having a smart Daddy, but I wished he’d aim his brains in another direction.
“It hasn’t.” I didn’t want to wait tables forever and nothing else felt right. “But if peopling gets too hard and I change my mind?”
“Then you switch to online classes and come home.” Daddy sounded like that was still perfectly reasonable…probably because he seemed to have forgotten I’d never actually lived with him before. “You’ll take classes and find a part-time job to make sure you see people, and then the rest of the time you’ll fix up the house and make us some new tables. You’re good at that.”
He was right…the house needed more stuff.
“Okay, that’s a good plan.” Taking another deep breath, I let it out slowly. “I don’t think I’m good with change.”
Daddy chuckled. “You’re amazing at all kinds of things, so I don’t think we should worry about one area that you struggle in.”
“I’m good at making stuff and I’m a good waiter.” Yes, I was very good at those things. “I’m good at school when I pay attention and don’t daydream about toys…or dresses…or tiaras.”
Daddy managed not to laugh but he had to work hard at it. “We’ll make sure you get so much little time that you won’t daydream about it too much.”
I had the best Daddy.
“I’m not going to ask if you’ll get frustrated if I’m little a lot over at your house. I know you won’t.” Yep, I didn’t need to remind either of us about that.
“That’s right and I’m glad you know you don’t need to worry about it.” Daddy kissed my head and then reached down to spank my bottom. “What you do need to worry about is me getting distracted by all these grown-up snuggles.”
Giggling, I pressed tighter against him and wiggled my hips. Yep, Daddy liked grown-up snuggles even when I was being theatrical. “We should’ve practiced being quiet.”
Laughing so loud it echoed in my room, Daddy gave me a hug. “We should have. Okay, your car is still very full of ridiculous things, so unless you want me to start asking questions about that, you’re going to stop trying to distract me.”
He was so silly…but no, he didn’t need to start asking questions about what I had in the car.
“I’m a good boy.” Straightening, I kissed his cheek and tried to look happy even though my tummy was still kind of wobbly. “I’m a good helper too.”
Daddy rolled his eyes. “I should hope so, this is your apartment, sunshine.”
That wasn’t the point.
“You like taking care of me.” And he’d done a really good job of getting me all packed and organized. “It would be mean if I stopped letting you.”
Daddy huffed and couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or shake his head. “It seems like I have a cheeky little sunshine.”
Maybe, but he probably wouldn’t punish me over here, so I wasn’t going to worry about it.
I did, however, give him another cute cheek kiss and smiled sweetly. “I love you, Daddy.”
“Naughty little sunshine.” But he was smiling, so I knew I was safe. “Come on. Let’s get your fridge stocked up with goodies.”
“Yay.” Then we could make cookies. “We should have a snack.”
“Hmm, I wonder what you could be thinking about having.” Daddy gave me his serious face as I tried not to laugh. “Something healthy, right?”
“It’s got lots of colors.” The cookies had M&M’s in them so that counted as colors. “Let’s go finish our work, Daddy.”
His eyes sparkled but he kept pretending to look at me suspiciously. “I don’t think we’re talking about veggies.”
“Let’s go finish bringing my stuff in, Daddy.” He definitely needed another cute kiss if I wanted cookies. “And then we can look at my papers and calendar stuff together?”
He’d like that.
His face went serious. “And you’ve got to read over your syllabuses. I think you should do that while I’m getting things organized.”
He was so cute.
“Then dinner.” Rocking back and forth, I focused on the happy things in my life like Daddy, cookies, and dinner. “We need to start looking for fun restaurants.”
Ones that had nuggets and cookies and lots of dippy things.
Trying to look very serious, he sighed. “That might take a lot of dates and research to find the best fun restaurants. Are you up to the challenge?”
We’d have to go on lots of dates, get lots of nuggets, and find lots of sauces but I could do it.
First, though, we had to be big boys and put my toys away.
Be myself.
Just be myself.
That would’ve been so much easier if they’d stopped staring at me.
“All done.” That wasn’t little and I hadn’t said Daddy but I could still hear Damon and Caitlin in his bedroom going quiet.