Could littles drive cars?

The online Daddy articles hadn’t prepared me for Addison and I was starting to get frustrated with that. But since it wouldn’t help at the moment, I pushed back the emotion and smiled. “You’re going to do a great job but I think just being your wonderful self is going to be the best plan.”

He just looked at me like I’d said I hung out with aliens every afternoon at work.

This was going to be interesting.


“Alright, can you carry it? Do you need help?” He was only holding a storage container full of stuffed animals, but I hadn’t packed his stuff with little Addison in mind. I’d planned on grown-up Addison being the person in charge of the move-in.

Next time we did this, I was definitely working on several layers of contingency plans.

“Yes, I can do it, Daddy.” Scrunching up his face as I loaded a couple of boxes onto a small handcart, he huffed. “Tate. Yes, I can do this, Tate.”


Had he ever called me Tate?

“Daddy, that sounded weird.” Big or little, even Addison knew it was awkward and shrugged adorably. “Um, Sir? No, my roommate might think you’re my actual parent not my Daddy.”

Rolling my eyes made him laugh. “I don’t look that old yet.”

Shaking his head, he looked slightly more grown-up as he tried to stop grinning. “You look amazing.”

And he was bigger again.

“Thank you.” I didn’t try to hide my disbelief but it only made holding back his laughter harder. “I’m glad I look good for being so ancient.”

As his snickers escaped, I locked the car and picked up his suitcase that seemed to be stuffed with every piece of grown-up clothing he owned and tipped the cart back to wheel it toward the building. “You’re lucky I’ve still got some functional years left or you’d have to haul all this upstairs yourself.”

That had his eyes going wide with worry and guilt.

“I counted the boxes and bags last night and there are two more that seem to be filled with a random assortment of things I can’t account for.” His guilty look had me wanting to laugh. “Should I ask you about those?”

“You’re very sexy and strong, Daddy.” Addison bounced closer and kissed my cheek. “And I love how helpful you are and how good you take care of me.”

Suck up.

“That’s what I thought you’d say.” My dry retort got more smiles and giggles from him and seemed to chase away enough of his fears that he was still functional as we took the elevator up to the third floor. “Alright, we know the plan?”

Nodding, Addison stood straighter and took a breath. “Yes, first load in the bedroom, and once we set it down, we go get the perishable stuff. If we need breaks, we take them, and if I get overwhelmed with my roommate, I’ll tell you we need to go to the store to get a few things I forgot.”

“Perfect.” Leaning over, I kissed the side of his head making him chuckle. “And if you have to say what you forgot?”

People could be frustratingly nosy.

“I say I don’t think I have enough shampoo for the rest of the week.” Repeating his plan and his lies had Addison looking more confident. “And once we’ve put everything away, we’ll find a nice place to have dinner as a reward for me not being theatrical or having a panic attack.”

As we came out of the elevator, I stole a quick cheek kiss. “I’ll take you out for dinner even if you panic.”

Blushing adorably, he smiled at me. “I know, Daddy. But I’m going to try not to get overwhelmed and to handle my stress reasonably.”

I must not have looked like I believed him because he stuck out his tongue. “I did a good job being a grown-up at work.”

“I know.” I’d seen him in full grown-up mode and it was wonderfully convincing. “But I also know that you’ve never had to be a grown-up at home all the time. I think that’s going to be exhausting.”

I was hoping it wouldn’t be necessary but I wasn’t sure how things would work out with his roommate. Addison had tried to stalk the guy online but that’d been a bust and he’d been too worried to actually email the guy. So we knew nothing about him and he knew nothing about Addison.

Being challenged brought out his spunk and he shrugged as he frowned at me. “Then I just come home when I’m tired and you’ll take care of me.”

“That’s right.” Telling him how cute he was probably wouldn’t have been the best idea, so I just gave him a quick peck. “Because that’s what makes me happy, doesn’t it?”

And his smile was back.

“You’re very sneaky.” His teasing glare was meant to be kissed into a giggle, but unfortunately for us, his door opened and a guy stepped out, college-aged but football-sized and frowning.