But Addison was bouncy and smiling and nearly skipping across campus as we headed back to the cars, so I wasn’t going to point any of it out. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought. I have my key, Daddy. Look.”

I looked, and several other students did as well, but that mostly seemed to be about checking us out, not judging.

Were all colleges like this?

I didn’t have any first-hand experience in the college lifestyle, but nothing I’d seen in movies or on TV said this was normal. But I wasn’t sure normal would’ve worked for Addison, so I decided to count my blessings and just take it as it came.

“We’re going to have to get you a special keychain to put it on.” I pointed to the one with the school logo on it in the pile of goodies he’d been given. “That one looks too plain for my princess.”

Still no reaction from anyone around us.

Yep, it was weird but I wasn’t going to poke the aliens or question them too thoroughly.

“Oh yes.” Nearly bouncing he was so excited, Addison nodded. “Let’s find something this weekend…when I come home?”

I wasn’t sure if he was testing me or his boundaries or just my limits on shopping, but I quickly agreed to the plan. “I think that sounds like a good idea but be forewarned, I’ve been learning how to find Addison-style goodies online, so you might come home to a surprise.”

That got a giggle out of him as we reached the parking lot and started picking our way through the jam-packed space. “What are you going to get me?”

“Hmm…” Pretending to think about it hard, I shrugged as we approached his car. “Well, maybe something sparkly and princessy. I might find one that looks like a cute bunny? It would have to be something very Addison.”

And something to help him remember that I would be right there with him all the time.

Looking thrilled at the possibility of a surprise waiting for him, he bounced on his toes as he waited for me to open the driver’s door of his car. “I get to come Friday. That’s what you said.”

Freezing with my hand on the door, I raised one eyebrow, making Addison squirm. “What did I actually say? No theatrics or Addison translations.”

Rocking back and forth, he sighed. “I’m not being theatrical…I just forgot what you said exactly.”

“Then try again.” Pausing, I made sure he only saw stubbornness on my face.

When it got through to him that we weren’t going to budge, he groaned. “I remember now. You said that you were going to be excited to see me on Friday but if I wanted to come home sooner I could. You also said that friends are important and we’ll work around any commitments I have.”

Nodding, I leaned closer and kissed his forehead. “Because?”

He wanted to roll his eyes but he was too smart for that. “Because I’m very important to my Daddy and that includes my happiness too.”

And having friends would make him happy.

He had random people he did things with but no one that he worked with or hung out with seemed to be an actual friend. Hell, he hadn’t invited any of them over to his house. I’d known more about him when I’d just been delivering pizzas and cookie dough to him than they ever had.

Yep, my boy needed friends.

“Good boy, sunshine.” Giving him another kiss, because no matter what we did I had a feeling we wouldn’t stand out, I finished opening the door. “And we’re off to your temporary castle, my princess.”

Addison flashed me a grin, but I could see his nerves coming back. “Yes, and I have my sauces and even my cookie dough in the cooler, and I know how to bake them.”

Oh, he was no longer as big as he’d been a few seconds ago.

“That’s right.” Helping him in the car and buckling him in, I knew my assessment of his headspace was right when he held his hands up and wanted to be helped completely. “You have snacks and toys too.”


His eager nod said Addison was no longer my adorable college student boyfriend. “Just neat toys, though, Daddy. Nothing messy.”

His definition of messy was questionable sometimes, but I didn’t point that out.

“That’s right. And we’ve got everything organized so you’ll be able to keep your room nice and clean.” The goal had been to make sure he was organized enough that toys and little stuff would be carefully put away where it wouldn’t be noticeable, but that seemed to have shifted too.

“I’ll be a good boy, Daddy.” Sitting straighter and putting his hands on the wheel at exactly ten and two, he gave me an oddly grown-up smile. “See? I can do it.”

He could pretend to be big.

What was I supposed to say to that?