Daddy chuckled and gave me the softest kiss before straightening back up and giving my nipples little twists and making me rock against the bed. It made my cock rub against my diaper and that was weird…but not bad weird.
He kind of distracted me from thinking about it too much by being sweet, though. “I’m glad you liked it and that you were able to find the right headspace to enjoy it. I knew I’d be fine with all the pieces, but I wasn’t sure how it would all come together. But I have to admit, it turned out better than I’d expected.”
Because Daddy liked taking care of me and that was a way to take care of a lot of me.
“I’m glad you liked it, Daddy.” I hadn’t really been thinking about that too much when we’d first started playing Daddy and bunny, and after a while, I hadn’t thought about it at all. “It was a good way of making me not crazy.”
Laughing, Daddy leaned down and kissed my tummy that time. “I agree. But let’s call it making you less upset.”
If he wanted to. “Yes, Daddy.”
That didn’t change what I’d been, though.
“But I’m not upset today.” I was kind of numb actually but I wasn’t sure pointing that out would be a good idea. It seemed like it would just give Daddy something else to worry about. “I’m going to be fine.”
Yep, I was going to be just fine.
“Yes, you are, and part of that is because I’m going to be right there with you even if everyone thinks I’m hovering and a bit of a stalker boyfriend.” Daddy sounded like he was ready to go to battle for me and it was so cute, he made me smile.
“You’re Daddy, not a stalker.” And Daddies were supposed to stay with their littles and make sure they were okay. That was just the rules, so there was nothing either of us could do. “You have to make sure I’m okay and watch out for me. That’s just what Daddies do.”
“And we do Daddy little time however we think is best and we’ve decided that making sure you know you’re not alone is the most important thing I can do to help you.” Daddy brought his lips back to mine and gave me a slow, tender kiss, but his fingers were caressing up my thighs in a very not-romantic kind of way.
I was going to be naughtied.
His kiss was sweet but I was moaning, and my hips were rocking up and down by the time he released my lips. Daddy just let out a naughty chuckle and gave the front of my diaper a pat. He didn’t even get weird that it was full. He just seemed happy.
Best Daddy ever.
“Let’s get my boy cleaned up.” As he straightened, I opened my eyes and tried to look cute and not too naughty.
“And rewarded. I was very good, Daddy.” Yep, I’d been amazing and rewards were definitely needed.
Daddy’s wicked grin made him look very proud, and while I thought it was cute, my dick thought it was sexy. “Yes, I haven’t forgotten about how good you were.”
His fingers tapped over the front of my diaper. Daddy was taking his time releasing the tabs and I was back to being so hard I barely fit in my diaper. “You talked to me and told me how you were feeling. You were a good boy and used your diaper like I told you to. You submitted to your Daddy very sweetly.”
Oh, I had.
I started to tell him again so he knew I should be rewarded faster when he opened the tabs on my diaper and pulled it down in the front. I was so hard and so desperate that it didn’t even occur to me that I might be a tiny bit nervous until Daddy had leaned over and gave me another kiss. “Such a good boy.”
If I was a good boy for Daddy, that meant I couldn’t worry about something like a diaper, so I just kissed him back and thought about how good it was going to be when I finally got to come. When I was moaning and tried to thrust up against him, Daddy released my lips and chuckled, looking very pleased with himself as he straightened. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
No, I was a good boy and I was going to get rewarded.
Repeating that over and over, I managed not to grab for him or let my theatrics out, but it was so hard I was shaking even before Daddy grabbed a wipe from the nightstand. Part of me realized he’d been very prepared for his bunny, but that thought vanished as soon as he started using it to jerk me off.
How had I not realized how soft they were?