When I’d done my best to obey Daddy, he kissed my neck again and dropped his voice low. “You know, when I was looking up information on how to take care of my Addy rabbit, I stumbled across a very interesting fantasy blog.”

Now I was the one giggling. “You were reading naughty things, Daddy.”

“I know.” Daddy’s shocked tone made me laugh. “But I was curious and he was a good writer. It was only polite to finish reading the story I found.”

“You’re always polite.” He liked being nice.

“Thank you.” Daddy gave me another kiss and kept rubbing my tummy. “Well, in the story, he’d been abducted by a sexy but unfortunately evil man. The Master in the story wanted to control everything about him and even trained him to pee on command.”

“Oh.” That sounded…scary…it sounded scary, right? “Daddy…that’s…”

“Naughty.” Daddy whispered it in my ear as he pressed down on my tummy a tiny bit. “Let’s play a game.”

I should never let Daddy go this long without him getting to make me come.

It made him thinky…and that was very dangerous.

“Take another deep breath for me. You’re going to pretend to sleep. You’re going to just think about getting sleepy cuddles and maybe about getting another bottle.” Daddy made a soft, pleased sound when I obeyed and the air went in and out of my lungs.

“Good boy. Again for me.” Humming as I did it again and pretended to be asleep, he made tiny, firm circles right over my bladder. “That’s right. You’re sleeping and relaxed.”

Seconds went by and I forgot I was supposed to be pretending to fall asleep. It just felt so good and my brain was thinking about bottles and snuggles and taking a nap. I liked naps. I liked snuggles. I liked bottles of milk and I wanted juice and I needed—

“Pee for Daddy. Be my good boy.” Daddy made a happy sound when I realized I wasn’t too hard anymore. “Good boy. Yes. Oh, or maybe you’re my good captive. Well trained and waiting for your reward for being so obedient.”

He was going to make it hard to finish if he kept that up.

“Daddy.” Groaning, I scrunched my face up and finished right before he patted my diaper and started making me hard again. “You’re so naughty, Daddy.”

That just made him snicker like he was a silly TV villain. “Why thank you.”

Yep, Daddy needed to take care of me more often or he went goofy…and started imagining dangerous things.

“You’re welcome, Daddy.” Hmm. “I get my reward now, right?”

It was usually little me who’d ended up with a wet diaper and bigger me had a part that was slightly confused about what we were doing.

Laughing, Daddy gave me a big hug and nodded before kissing my cheek. “Yes, roll over for me.”

Daddy was sneaky, silly, and prepared…I approved.

“You were a cute bunny, but now I think it’s time to find my sweet boy.” Looking naughty and still kind of wicked, Daddy was smiling as he sat up and I rolled over. “You were jumping around and so excited.”

Unbuttoning my costume as he stood beside the bed, Daddy had my lower half naked so fast I had to think about how many times he’d undressed me when I was his bunny. He was really good at undressing his Addy rabbit.

“But now we’re going to make you excited and jump around again.” He looked proud of himself as I groaned at his silly, almost pun. “Hmm, would smiling at Daddy’s joke be a good idea or would groaning?”


“I love you and your silly jokes, Daddy.” Making sure to be very helpful and not wiggle too much as he took off the rest of my bunny costume, I smiled at Daddy. “You were being naughty.”

He chuckled.

I was saved.

But it seemed like torturing me was still on his to-do list because he put me back down on the bed and started slowly stroking his hands over my chest. “I had so much fun taking care of you yesterday, but I have to admit, I’m ready to have my sunshine back.”

Me too.

“It was—” I completely lost my train of thought as his fingers flicked over my nipples. Closing my eyes to concentrate didn’t help because he just chuckled and gave them both a pinch as I tried to get the words out. “I’m not sure relaxing is the right word but it was that but bigger.”

Did it.

Kind of.

I wasn’t sure it made sense, but Daddy made a soft hum before pinching my nipples again. As I just about came off the bed, he sounded perfectly relaxed and like we were talking while he had his coffee. “I can understand that. You were able to let a lot of your worries go for the time being and that had to feel good.”

Nodding, glad he got it, I let out a deep breath as I tried to get words in order. I knew I might not feel like talking about it later, so I had to do it while I was distracted. “I…I liked that way of playing. I know…I know we haven’t done that before but you remembered…you remembered my limits so good and you were a really good Daddy to your bunny.”