He shook in silent laughter, nodding against me.
Giving myself props for not coming off like a stalker or some kind of kidnapper, I gave him one more kiss and patted his back. “Alright, little rabbit, if we stay here Daddy’s going to fall asleep again. You’re comfy.”
That got more silent laughter but he gave a little wiggle and eased back, wearing a silly grin. “Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. My bunny would do the same thing.”
Addison gave a full-body wiggle and pushed his bottom out to shake the puffball tail on the back. It seemed to be him showing off how cute he was and just how happy he was in general, so I laughed and shook my head. “Silly little rabbit. You’re so cute.”
He liked hearing that and I got another wiggle session complete with him scrunching his face up like he was wiggling his nose. “My pretty bunny.”
Petting his head, I kissed his nose and then scooted forward slightly to help encourage him to hop off the bed. “Carefully, Addy rabbit.”
When it looked like he and a few of his toys were going to take the idea of hopping off the bed a bit too literally, I scooped him and the stuffed animals he was carrying up in my arms. “Do I have a daring little bunny?”
Giving me wide eyes, Addison shook his head and snuggled closer, doing his best to look innocent and not like he’d just tried to dive off the bed like a rabbit. “That’s what I thought.”
Imaginary play was more dangerous than I’d expected…but knowing Addison…that was an error on my part.
So I made up for the Daddy error by keeping him close and helping him off the bed. “There we go. Now my bunny can hop.”
Safely while holding Daddy’s hand.
He didn’t seem to mind that, though, and bounced it up and down as he hopped through the house. He was adorable but it made me very glad we hadn’t needed to go up the stairs to get to his nursery.
“Okay, little bunny, do you want to sit on the couch or curl up on a blanket on the floor?” Pointing to both locations as we walked and hopped into the living room, I gave him an exaggerated questioning face.
My little rabbit bounced a few times and then released my hand to hop over to the space in front of the couch. “Perfect.”
It didn’t take long to get him and his people settled on a blanket, and he quickly set about moving them around the blanket like they were already off on a grand adventure. “Be right back, Addy rabbit.”
He wiggled as I kissed his head, reaching up to give me gimmie fingers as he waved his arms. “Hugs?”
Thankfully I was right and gave him a big squeeze before I rose and hurried into the kitchen. He seemed perfectly content but I checked up on him every couple of minutes as I got another bottle and a snack ready.
I wasn’t sure what the right snack would be for the occasion, he was little and a bunny and seemed to have no desire to be big or human. My compromise was to try to give him options that would please both sides.
I added a bit of a vanilla-flavored drink mix to his milk to give it a mildly sweet taste and add enough calories that if he didn’t eat he’d be fine. Then I chopped up some fruit and veggies that a bunny would like into small enough pieces that they looked almost childlike to me.
Carrying out his bottle and a bright pink plastic plate with his snack, I was relieved to see him still happily bouncing around his friends on the blanket. It seemed that Princess Addison was a bit more mischievous than my little Addy rabbit because my cutie wasn’t getting into trouble or trying to dig out sparkly gems or glitter.
“Your friends look like they’re having fun.” That got an ear-to-ear grin from Addison as I sat down and he quickly scrambled up on my lap. “There we go. This is perfect.”
With the snack beside us within easy reach and a cuddly Addison on my lap, I slipped the nipple of the bottle between his lips and reached for the remote. When Little Bear was playing on the TV and Addison was happily snuggled up to me and sucking on his bottle, I finally took a moment and let relief flood through me.
I hadn’t fucked it up yet.
We still had one more hurdle, but as deeply as he’d sunk into his younger headspace, I didn’t think changing him would be a problem. Using his diaper was on his green list, so the worst-case scenario seemed to be that using his diaper would bring him back to his older headspace.
But that meant being a grown-up.