Eyes going wide, he crashed his head into me and nodded. “I good cuddler, Daddy. Good cuddler.”

“Then let’s make you all nice and cute and snuggly.” Aiming for a teasing tone, I gave him a quick squeeze. “I have a surprise. You wanna see it?”

More excited nods exploded out of Addison as his head popped up. “Yes. Surprise, Daddy.”

“Alright.” Steering him toward the closet, I moved us over there with a lumbering walk that made him laugh.

“Monster Daddy?” He giggled when I huffed and puffed. “Silly monster.”

“Hmm, would a silly monster have a…” I opened the closet to show him the costumes hanging there. “A cute little bunny friend?”

I also had a puppy costume and teddy bear one, but I thought the pink and white of the bunny outfit was adorable, and the way Addison’s eyes went wide said he agreed. “Oh, pretty, Daddy.”

Thank God.

“Let’s get my little bunny ready to snuggle.” Taking the costume and Addison over to the bed, I had him sit down on the end of the bed. “Hands up.”

Getting him undressed wasn’t the problem; he liked being naked, but he was also incredibly distracted by all the stuffed animals in easy reach. I should’ve expected the problem but I hadn’t anticipated how excited he would be to play with his new friends.

“Let’s get you all ready and then you can play.” Bringing his hands back to me, I had to fight back a laugh when he pouted. “I need my cute bunny.”

And he didn’t need to be running around naked…that would lead to adult shenanigans and we’d already figured out that didn’t distract him long enough.

“I cute.” Looking around, his brain switched gears again and he reached for his costume. “I bunny.”

“That’s right.” He was going to be my cute baby bunny. “You’re going to be a very cute bunny.”

Picking up the diaper, I quickly slipped it under him and brought the front up between his legs. I made sure all he saw on my face was happy Daddy getting his bunny ready. There wasn’t a worry in sight and I did my best to keep my movements efficient and relaxed just like the internet had said.

This wouldn’t be a big thing unless I made it a big thing.

I was going to take care of my princess and we were going to play in a new way and he’d have a nap.

After a bit of tug-o-war with the costume, I’d won and had it on his feet and halfway up his legs. “Alright, sit up and let’s see how the bunny looks.”

He scrambled to obey and I was glad to see that the design worked as they’d said. With a flap at the back and buttons strategically placed down the front, I’d be able to change him without getting him naked, which the internet said would help keep him in the right headspace.

“You’re so cute.” The hood with its cute floppy ears made the outfit adorable, but it was the way Addison bounced around in a circle that made the whole thing perfect. “Oh, my sweet bunny.”

My diapered bunny.

I’d done it.

Chapter 17











Chapter 18


Bunnies didn’t seem to talk because he just tried to twitch his nose as he wiggled and bounced up on the bed like a hopping rabbit. So taking that cue, I kissed the bunny’s nose and was just grateful that neither of us were embarrassed and Addison wasn’t worried about upsetting his Daddy. “Okay, little bunny. You pick out which friend you’re going to play with first and I’ll be right back.”

That got a bigger bunny hop and he hopped around the bed, cottony tail wiggling as he bounced excitedly.

“Be careful.” I wasn’t sure how good a bunny was going to be at staying safe on the bed but I told myself to stop worrying when he tucked himself into the corner and started going through his new toys.

I got a distracted nod from the bunny but he was too focused on his new friends to really notice what I was saying. Telling myself that he was snuggled up to his toys and that the bed had a rail, I headed out of the bedroom.

Realistically, he could only fall so far since the bed wasn’t that tall, but Addison was very focused on being a bunny and I wasn’t sure what kind of reasoning skills rabbits possessed.

Yep, I wasn’t going to dawdle or I’d come back and find him hanging upside down, trapped in the baby railing.

Hurrying to the kitchen, I put part two of my plan into place, grabbing the new bottle out of the cabinet and filling it with milk. Addison hadn’t noticed yet, but we now had sippy cups and several new divided plates that could keep all his sauces separate.

At the very least, I knew those would come in handy when a stressed-out Addison needed a distraction.