For following directions?

He hadn’t even trusted me to put the throw pillows on the couch after a slight misunderstanding about where the damned things should go. How was I supposed to know they didn’t go on the bed? They all looked like the fancy bed pillows my mother used to have.

“Thank you, sunshine.” His manipulation was adorable, though, and he seemed to have forgotten about how stressed he was a few minutes ago. “Well, I do have good surprises.”

Nodding eagerly, his smile got wider and he cuddled closer, going back to petting my chest. “You’re the best Daddy ever. You even got me new sauces.”

He’d been a lot more excited about the new barbecue sauce than I’d expected.

“I know how much you like dipping, so when I saw it, I knew it was for my sunshine.” There really shouldn’t be a thousand brands of that in the grocery store, but there was and it seemed like he wanted to taste them all. “I guess you might be right. I can’t keep such good surprises from you. That’s just not nice.”

His jolt of excitement and the happy sound that escaped was way too close to what he sounded like when he came, and I had to fight to keep a straight face. This was not that kind of surprise. He needed to be little and relaxed so he could ignore the rest of the world.

Orgasms would be fun but that wouldn’t distract him long enough…I knew because I’d already tried that first thing when he’d woken up slightly nuts.

“I’ll be a good boy, Daddy.” He went from petting me to giving me a big hug. “You’re the best Daddy ever.”

He was adorably manipulative.

“Thank you, sunshine.” Okay, little first and then play second if it was necessary. “First we’re going to have the little little snuggly surprise and then after that we’ll do the pretty one.”

That got me more excited wiggles and I had to give my dick a stern talking to that he was reading the signals wrong.

“I like snuggly things and looking pretty, Daddy.” Reiterating that seemed very important to Addison and he even kissed my cheek. “Thank you for finding something pretty for me.”

Hmm, maybe he wanted to make sure he rewarded me for getting him something pretty? He wanted to make sure he praised me for trying to do something right?

There was curious logic somewhere in there, but I didn’t bother figuring it out.

“You’re welcome.” Giving him a hug, I kissed his head. “I love my pretty cutie.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” As he relaxed into me, a tiny yawn snuck out before he could catch it. “I’m not tired. I just need more air. See?”

Taking an exaggerated breath, he sat up and gave me a beaming smile. “I forgot to breath. I’m so silly.”

That was what he’d decided to go with?

He was obviously more tired than I’d realized.

“Sunshine, should I ask you what time you got up this morning?” Had he said?

The way he started blinking said I should’ve asked it a lot sooner. “No, Daddy. You shouldn’t.”

Oh dear.

“Alright, I won’t.” Giving him a cheek kiss so he knew I wasn’t frustrated, I pushed the question to the back of my head since the answer would probably give me an ulcer. “Let’s go have fun.”

And get him a nap before he collapsed in a heap of theatrics and panic.

“I like fun, Daddy.” Giving me a big hug as a reward for ignoring his questionable behavior, Addison was looking at me like I was the best Daddy ever.

“Then let’s go show my sunshine his snuggly surprise.” I’d reread his limits list three times before planning this one, but I had to remind myself that everything was appropriate. “I can’t wait to cuddle my snuggly cutie.”

All it took was the faintest shift before he jumped off my lap and looked around like it was Christmas morning and Santa had just come. “Where is it?”

“Hmm, should I make you guess?” I knew the answer to that before I’d even taken his hand, but I still loved his enthusiastic reaction.

“No, Daddy. I need it now.” Throwing himself at me, he wrapped his arms around me and gave me wide eyes. “I’m your good boy. I’m your sunshine.”

And my sunshine had no patience at all.

“You are and I made a special surprise for my sunshine.” One he hadn’t noticed because he thought the guestroom was just going to stay that way and hadn’t bothered to redecorate it yet with everything else going on.

So I’d handled that one.

“Come on, baby.” Kissing his head, I squeezed his hand and led him through the living room and to the guest room at the back of the house.

“What did you do, Daddy?” Nearly giggling, he bounced and skipped as he tried to pretend to be patient by not dragging me faster. “Did you make this room pretty on your own?”