“You’re welcome, but you were an amazing student, so you get all the accolades.” How had no one explained to him that there were charts for water versus grounds online? I’d just assumed he didn’t like the taste so that was why he only had a small amount of instant for visitors.
I still thought I was right about the taste part, it seemed more like he was making a potion than something he wanted to drink, but he had fun and that was all that counted.
“I had the best teacher ever.” Giving me another cute cheek kiss, he stayed pressed against me as he beamed. “I’m going to start looking up more confusing things online.”
That sounded…troubling.
But before I could figure out a way to ask what he meant, he distracted me. “Is it shower time, Daddy?”
It seemed so.
“I think it is.” Wrapping my arms around him tighter, I ran a hand down his back and squeezed one ass cheek. “Do you think we should put a spanking on our to-do list this morning?”
That had Addison making an adorable squeak and crashing his head into my shoulder. “Don’t tempt me, Daddy. No, it’s your turn.”
Scoffing, I rolled my eyes. “I happen to like spanking you, so I think that’s an activity we’d both enjoy.”
I wasn’t sure I could explain why because when I’d tried it’d sounded questionable at the very least, but it was definitely on both of our green lists.
I had a limits list.
Since I’d met Addison, my life had taken a few interesting turns, but I liked where we were headed.
Giggling, he nodded against me. “You get hard when you spank me and you make yummy sounds.”
I laughed as I tried not to feel silly. “Because you’re yummy when you squirm and beg to come.”
He’d beg even when we started out with him being able to come anytime he wanted, but I hadn’t been able to decide if it was a compulsion or just a fun part of it. Either way, I’d learned to make him wait to give him permission because that seemed to be an integral part of the experience for him.
“You’re so silly.” There was laughter in his voice but giggling took a back seat to wiggling against me. “But you can’t distract me. It’s my turn to take care of you or you’ll just Daddy me and ignore you.”
I snorted but couldn’t exactly disagree with him, so I fell back on my standing argument. “I like taking care of you.”
I was getting pretty good at it.
Addison shook his head, and as he pulled back, he gave me a look like he thought I was ridiculous.
He even sighed.
“Yep, I have to take better care of you.” Taking my hand, he pulled me back to his bathroom. “I’ll be more focused on you, Daddy. Don’t worry.”
“Um, would it be rude to say that sounds kind of scary?” I gave him his own wide-eyed innocent look in return as he glared at me.
“Then I won’t say it.” Yep, an innocent smile and wide eyes fixed a lot.
Going back to shaking his head and sighing, he dragged me into the bathroom. “I’m going to pretend you weren’t naughty because I want to reward you.”
That was some logic right there but I managed not to laugh.
“Thank you.” Kissing his cheek—because that seemed to be the cutest thing I could do—I tried to keep the innocent look going. “I like your rewards.”
“We need to work on that.” Mumbling to himself something about questioning his online friend, Addison sighed. “That’s not believable at all.”
Did he think his version was?
Was mine just that much more terrible?
There didn’t seem to be a good way to respond, so I pretended not to hear him and changed the subject. “Are you going to get in with me?”
I wasn’t sure the plan or who was supposed to be doing the undressing, but it seemed like a good way to shift the subject.
“Yes.” Shaking off his distracting thoughts, Addison nodded and perked up again as he looked around the bathroom and settled back on me. “Hands up.”
That was a reasonable order and he was adorable when he was taking care of me, so I raised my hands and crouched down a few inches so he could get the shirt over my head. I wasn’t making a dig at his height because he wasn’t short, but he huffed and gave me what was probably a frustrated Daddy look as he eased the shirt I had on over my head.
He looked like he was ready to charge into an explanation of “short people can do anything tall people could,” so I gave him a quick kiss to cut off the completely unnecessary explanation. “Thank you for helping me. I love you.”
That seemed to make him more frustrated because he shook his head. “Someone should’ve told me Daddies could be like this.”