Not that I was a pain in the butt…but my online friend was, so he knew about those kinds of things.

Daddy blinked a few times before giving me another quick kiss. “Thank you for the offer and I’m going to take you up on the muffins sometime, but if you want pancakes, I’ll make them. You’re not in trouble for not…not finishing binkie time.”

That was good to know.

“You are not a pain in the butt either.” Shaking his head, Daddy sighed. “Some of your friends are interesting.”

Oh yeah.

“Do you want to come? I can suck on you now and not fall asleep. I’m very awake.” Hmm. “Or we can do it after breakfast? Daddies need caffeine sometimes. You might need pancakes first, though. I don’t mind cum on an empty stomach, so don’t worry about that. It’s not like alcohol but that would be kind of fun.”

Daddy was back to blinking. “Fun in a theoretical sense or in a plan it out for a scene sense?”

He asked good questions.

How would that work? “Well, I could pretend that it made me drunk, or we could start out with me drunk and I pretend to be sober. Then after you orgasm, I can stop pretending.”

We might have to work on the details for that.

“Let’s table that idea for the time being.” Daddy looked very thinky, so I wiggled on him to make sure he remembered the other part of my question. That made him laugh, so it’d been a good plan. “Um, after breakfast please. How does food, a shower, and then we come back to bed and cuddle sound?”

“Perfect.” But he needed more kisses for being such a good Daddy. So I squirmed higher and made him laugh again. “Kisses, Daddy.”

“Always, sunshine.” Daddy snuggled me closer, bringing my lips to his, but he was the best Daddy ever and let me kiss him. He held me tight but I got to lick his lips and nibble on him, and I even got to make love to his mouth and make him moan when my tongue stroked his.

By the time I eased back, giving him one last peck like he always gave me, he was looking sexy and sleepy again.

“No, silly goose.” I knew that look. “Pancakes. You wanted a shower too. Don’t forget.”

Pouting, he shook his head. “Nope. I get snuggles and kisses first. I changed my mind.”

He was very good at being theatrical, but it looked silly and I had to fight to keep a straight face and be the Daddy. “I can hear your tummy grumbling, cutie. I have to take good care of you. Pancakes first and then happies second. If you do a good job of getting all clean, I’ll even give you special happy time after.”

“I like this game.” Daddy grinned and puckered up his lips to beg for another kiss, giggling when I was the Daddy again and gave him a cute peck. “Yes, pancakes and special happies sound like a very good plan.”

He was so silly.

“I’m glad you like our plan…” Um, he needed a good nickname. “Sport.”

Daddy was not a boy or prince.

Laughing, Daddy gave me a big hug. “I love it.”

Yep, he was so hungry he got the sillies…but his sillies were so cute I forgot I was being the Daddy. I collapsed onto him and giggled. “Enough to make me pancakes now?”

I’d been up so long I was starving.

“Yes.” Daddy leaned up and kissed my nose. “I love you enough to make you pancakes too.”

Oh, that was something I had to check with him about. “Daddy?”

Resting my head on his chest, I gave him my best I’m a good princess face and even remembered to make my eyes big. “Can I ask you a question?”

He cocked his head and looked very thinky before he nodded. “Always.”

“Did I rush you?” I might’ve fallen into the pain-in-the-butt category last night. “I was…I was very confident.”

And kind of pushy.

I’d been right…but someone could be right and pushy.

Daddy gave me his you’re so sweet smile and shook his head. “No. You didn’t rush me. You made me feel very special and I loved how confident you were.”

When he got his pretend glare, I had to remind myself not to laugh. “That doesn’t mean I’ll watch Dragon over and over, though. Just one more time.”

“Of course, Daddy.” If he wanted to pretend to have limits, I’d let him.

He’d never put it in his regular limits list, though, so I wasn’t worried about having to listen to the ridiculous plan.

His snort said he knew that. “Come on, sunshine. We need to feed you because I think it’s your tummy that’s growling. Mines just bigger.”

Giggling, I kissed his chest and wiggled on his tummy. “You’re cuddly and handsome and I wanted you to snuggle me the first time you smiled at me and raced me toward the door.”