But I breathed easier once he was out of the tub and wrapped in a towel. “No more wrinklies.”
He was looking slightly prune-like, so I made a mental note to keep monstering to a shorter timeframe in the future.
Addison nodded and held his fingers up to my face as the towel started sliding to the floor. “Little raisins, Daddy.”
Nibbling on his raisins seemed like the right choice, and Addison was delighted as my teeth nibbled on his fingers. He laughed like it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen and was still giggling when I rewrapped him in the towel. “I’m yummy, Daddy.”
That didn’t sound naughty at all.
“You are very yummy.” I wasn’t sure what he meant by that but I wasn’t ready to ask. “Let’s get you all pretty.”
And dressed.
Yes, that would make thinking easier.
Part of me said I was delusional, but I just ignored that voice and hoped for the best…whatever that was going to turn out to be.
“Yay.” Addison gave me another kiss and snuggled close. “I need a nightgown and panties and my tiara and my sparkly shoes and—”
Oh no.
“Wait.” Deciding the situation was quickly getting out of hand, I scrambled for an appropriate response. “If we’re cuddling, your tiara and sparkly shoes might poke me.”
Making a cute thinking face that was highly suspicious, Addison hummed and was utterly adorable. “I like my sparklies…but if you spend the night, I have to be nice and keep you safe.”
That was a reasonable trade.
“Deal.” I’d planned on that already. “If you keep me safe, I will even make my sunshine pancakes in the morning.”
That had more laughter pouring out of him. “Pretty and pancakes.”
He was adorable even though I had no idea why that was so funny. “Silly sunshine.”
Snickering, he nodded and bounced as I took him into the playroom and over to his closet. “Happy sunshine.”
Happy like we’d made the cruise passengers happy?
I was really hoping it wasn’t easy to get abducted by aliens off those things because Addison played with that boat so much, I knew he wanted to go on one in real life. “My sparkly happy sunshine.”
That got another naughty giggle out of him and he spread his arms wide like he was exploding popcorn. “Tada. Happy. Happy.”
Yep, still very happy.
Laughing, I tried to stop second-guessing myself and used one finger to push down his happy so it bounced back up. “Do you need sea monster aliens to abduct you?”
That was so funny he laughed and rocked, which only made the bobbing more exaggerated…which made him laugh harder.
He was barely breathing by the time that I’d picked out a pink nightgown with tiaras all over it. “I…happy…funny…”
One look from me was all it took to get the laughter exploding again. “Daddy…you…”
I was just as funny as the aliens evidently.
“Silly princess.” Shaking my head and trying not to devolve into laughter too, I slipped the pajamas over his head. “Where are your arms?”
He managed to locate those and it helped him to move down to just quiet snickers. “Aliens.”
Addison’s delight was still obvious as I found pretty panties in the same matching pink color and got him tucked in as well as I could. “Daddy’s the monster.”
I snorted as I ignored his obvious bulge and let the nightgown fall back into place. “Daddy was wrangling the monster.”
Addison threw himself into my arms as he giggled. “Monsters are the best.”
Especially sea monsters.
“Yummy humans are the best.” And yummy humans with a very cute monster attached to them were the best kind.
Something caught his attention enough to stop the giggles, and whatever it was, he wanted it enough to give me the most adorably manipulative smile ever. “Can monsters cuddle, Daddy?”
Very subtle.
“I think monsters love to cuddle together.” But I had a feeling once he was monstered out, he’d be asleep in a few seconds, so I decided monster cuddles would be best lying down. “Bed cuddles, sunshine.”
Addison wiggled against me and giggled. “Sunshine has a monster.”
Now it was my turn to laugh and as he took my hand to drag me to the bedroom, he looked very pleased with himself…and the size of his monster, more than likely.
The whole thing was ridiculous and utterly Addison.
Just that realization had most of my intrusive worries fading to the back of my head as Addison’s confident voice from our first date came back to me.
“We do Daddy and little time however we think is right.”
Deciding to stop reading so much about the lifestyle going forward, I growled like the sea monster from the tub and made a “gotcha” kind of grab for him.
Squealing, Addison released my hand and made a mad dash for the bed. “The monster!”
Hamming it up, I waved my arms like tentacles and slowly followed him as he buried his head in the pillows and waved his bottom at me.