“Do they get eaten or naughtied?” Oops. “Eaten. They get eaten.”
Daddy pinched his lips together and sighed. “That’s a difficult question but let’s say a couple of them get happily naughtied. I think that’s a better choice than getting eaten.”
Well, if it was Daddy’s idea then I couldn’t worry.
“Yes, that’s less messy and the aliens might think the humans are tasty.” That made Daddy’s eyes go bigger and bigger and I laughed and laughed.
“Playing is much more interesting than the other Daddies online made it sound.” Daddy looked at me like I was a suspicious princess but he put his hand in the water and made it the monster. “Da-dum. Da-dum. Don’t look under the boat.”
“Oh no.” Yay for smart Daddies who know good eats from bad eats.
“And they love happily ever after because their aliens give the best naughties and cuddles ever.” That was hard. Games were easier when I didn’t have to be careful of Daddy but he was worth it. “They’re so happy, Daddy.”
They got lots and lots of happy naughties.
Aliens were very thorough.
Daddy groaned and collapsed against the tub. “First of all, I’m very glad they’re happy and they found good aliens to be with. I want everyone to find love.”
’Cause Daddy was really nice.
That was why I had to be careful of him when we played. He didn’t like people getting eaten or murdered or even drowned. It kind of made finding new adventures hard, but I loved Daddy enough to figure out fun stories.
“They did. They found lots and lots of love.” I made sure everyone had lots of happy, loving naughties because Daddy liked those best.
He liked them so much he did his Daddy wiggles…but I was a good princess and pretended not to notice because sometimes Daddy got nervous.
I was the best princess sunshine ever.
“We have good adventures, Daddy.” But I was kind of tired, so I kissed his head. “My fingers are pruney, Daddy, and my bubbles are gone.”
Adventure time was all done and I needed pajamas and snuggles…and maybe to be naughtied too.
“I’m glad you like our adventures, princess.” Daddy was glad but he was still being theatrical. “But I have another question. Is it okay that Daddy is…well, conflicted?”
Was that another word for wanting to be naughtied too?
Daddy liked big words sometimes and he always found fun new ways to say silly words.
“I like Daddy when he’s sleeping or awake or conflicted or just cuddly.” I sounded like the Green Eggs and Ham book. I was so funny but I didn’t laugh because Daddy wouldn’t know why I was so funny. “I need pretty jammies tonight, Daddy.”
I was conflicted too and needed pretty panties.
Daddy let out a deep breath and sat up, shaking his head. “Yes, we need to get you dried off so you don’t freeze.”
That too.
But I wasn’t that cold…I was still conflicted.
“Snuggles will make me warm.” Giving Daddy a big smile, I leaned closer and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Daddy.”
I loved him so much our adventures were all nice and polite and all the aliens said, please may I naughty you?
I was the best sunshine ever.
Chapter 12
No one said being a Daddy would be as interesting as it’d turned out…so I had a feeling this was partly an Addison situation.
“I love you too, sunshine.” He lit up saying it and hearing it. “Let’s get you snuggly warm.”
And then we’d figure out what we were going to do with the sea monster that was currently bobbing in the tub.
“And pretty, Daddy.” Wiggling and nearly losing his balance in the tub, Addison beamed at me as I caught him. “I’m gonna be pretty for Daddy.”
So he could seduce Daddy?
Addison loved being pretty, and that could take numerous forms, but he was making an incredible effort to look innocent…which made it highly unbelievable.
Who’d ever told him that looking innocent was best obviously hadn’t met Addison in person.
“Then I think that means I need to pick out a pretty nightgown and panties.” His eager head bob said we were on the same page with that idea, but I still wasn’t sure what would come after that. “Alright, do you want to unplug the tub?”
He giggled, diving his hand into the water like he was the monster that time. “I so scary.”
His evil grin said that was a good thing, and I was left just shaking my head as I stood up and held out his towel. “Come here evil monster. Stand up carefully please.”
Addison hadn’t ever fallen but he was so wiggly that it felt like just a matter of time before he crashed. The giggle he let out as he slowly rose said I wasn’t terribly subtle about that fear. “I’m so careful, I’m the best sunshine, Daddy.”
Those seemed to be connected in his head, so I just nodded and reached out to take his hand as he finished standing. “Yes, you are.”