He snorted and it was a silly sound that made me want to giggle. “Nope, still not talking me into it.”

But he was getting weaker and weaker.

“We have to learn about why the first houses didn’t work and we can’t do that just one time.” I tried to shrug as he turned me around to unzip my dress but Daddy made it hard. “It’s a lot to learn, Daddy.”

Daddy remembered almost everything because he was so smart but even Daddy magic couldn’t help that much.

“Well, then we’ll have to talk about rewatching the series when the next season comes out.” Daddy said that scary sentence too easily as he finished taking my dress off.

I couldn’t wait that long.

I had to fix this before it got out of hand.

But no theatrics.

I was a smart princess.


I was a sweet and loveable princess too.


“I’m sure there are other shows we can watch that are going to be fun.” Daddy was too confident about that. I wasn’t sure he’d like my demon show because it got kind of scary sometimes. “We’ll find something else.”




Dragon was the cutest show ever.

But I needed to look even cuter to get my way, so I didn’t argue or get theatrical or anything while the tub filled up or while Daddy helped me in or when he put my toys in. I was so patient and sneaky he didn’t even see it coming.

I even put bubbles on my head. “My crown.”

Daddy laughed as he sat down on the floor beside the tub with my towel. He even pretended to bow. “Your Majesty.”

Yep, I was cute.

“I know why you’re gonna watch it over and over, Daddy.” Yep, I was so cute he had to agree with me.

Now he was looking smart and suspicious. “Why is that, sunshine?”

He was just as cute as me.

Daddy needed a crown too.

Plopping bubbles on his head made him groan and pretend to be a stern Daddy. “What is this?”

“Your crown.” Duh. “Now you’re fancy too.”

Yep, he thought I was wonderful because that made him all melty. “You are very sweet, sunshine.”

But then Daddy remembered I’d been being sneaky and he crossed his arms, still wearing his bubble crown. “But why am I going to watch Dragon over and over?”


He thought he was going to win.

“Because you love me, Daddy, and I’m your sunshine.”


Daddy was back to wearing his mushy smile as his crown started to melt. “Oh, sunshine.”

Wiping the melty crown off with my towel, Daddy kept his smile on and leaned in to give me a kiss on my nose. My giggles made his smile even bigger. “You’re right. I love my sunshine and I love seeing you happy.”

He sighed, being very theatrical as he sat back on the floor again. “I guess that means we’ll have to watch Dragon over and over.”

I was so smart.

And sneaky.

And I was going to be Daddy’s sunshine for ever and ever, even when I was big-head smart and driving Daddy crazy.

Because he loved me and I loved him.

“And I love you so much Daddy, we won’t have to watch it over and over and over.” Just two overs. “I love you big, Daddy.”

He gave me another silly smile and leaned over the side of the tub to kiss my cheek. “I know you love me the biggest, princess sunshine, so I don’t mind if we watch it over and over and over and over.”

’Cause he loved me.

But I had to be nice and not use my love powers for evil.

That’d make me a bad princess and I couldn’t let that happen. “You’re so good to me, Daddy.”

Giving him the biggest hug made Daddy kind of soggy, but he just laughed. “Silly goose.”

“Silly princess, Daddy.” That made his smile even bigger and he nodded before kissing my other cheek. “Your silly princess.”

A princess that was going to get a room at Daddy’s house and who was going to bring blankets and tables and lamps and pictures.

It was going to be beautiful.

“Yes, my beautiful happy silly princess.” He made his princess even happier when he reached for my people and their boat. “Should we play cruise ship?”

“Yes!” One day when I had lots and lots and lots of money, I was going to go on a big special vacation like my bathtub people got to do.

“Are they going to be eaten or attacked?” Daddy raised an eyebrow and was very serious. “I always worry about sea monsters when I look at cruise ships.”


“That sounds very dangerous.” And fun. “What…what about a sea monster in the triangle place, Daddy? They might get eaten or they might disappear?”

Daddy’s eyes got wide and he leaned closer to the tub. “What if the monster was really an alien, and once he got them, he disappears them to his planet?”

Aliens, monsters, and abductions?

Daddy played so good.