Making my eyes wider like the other boy online said to, I pouted. “We didn’t get to play cuddly games last night, Daddy.”

He couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or kiss me, but luckily, kissing won. “Oh, that’s very sad. I think kisses could make that better. Come closer, sunshine.”

Best. Daddy. Ever.

Stretching out on top of him, because of course that was what he meant when he said to come closer, I loved the way he hugged me tight as he kissed me…and I loved the way his cock rubbed against mine.

Daddy was just as hard as I was but he had too many clothes on.

We both had too many clothes on.

But he distracted me from that thought as he kissed me, stroking his tongue against mine and nibbling on my lips until I was moaning and grinding against him. I was aching for him to do more when we were both breathless and he released my mouth.

“Sunshine, that’s…” He took a moment and gave me another quick kiss before he tried again. “So tempting, sunshine.”

I knew I looked naughty as I grinned, but I was having too much fun grinding on him to try to find where my innocent face had wandered off to. “I like tempting you and I like giving you what I tempted you with.”

Kissing his jaw, I tried to wiggle lower so I could push his pants down again. “I can think of other tempting places my Daddy needs kisses.”

I was almost down to his well-hidden cock when he pulled me back up and pretended to glare at me. He looked like a frustrated little puppy, he was so cute. “It’s my turn to play with your tempting parts.”

Giggling might not have been the most grown-up response but Daddy didn’t seem to mind because he was almost laughing again. “But if you play with my tempting parts, I’m going to be naughty and beg you to do more than just play. So I’m going to be good and kiss you.”

He was very tempting.

Groaning, he hugged me tight. “Sunshine, you’re giving me ideas.”

Oh, I liked the sound of that.

“Ideas about where your cock could go?” I wasn’t sure if I should’ve tried to look innocent or not, but I was too distracted to figure it out. “I can think of one very nice place, Daddy.”

That wasn’t being too pushy since he’d brought it up first.

Daddy buried his face against my neck to hide his smile, then rolled us over so he pinned me to the bed. As I laughed, he braced himself on his arms and gave me a sexy glare. “Are you teasing me to see how hard a naughty boy can make his Daddy, or is my naughty boy needy?”

“Both.” There was no point in lying when he was in the perfect position and I didn’t see that changing just because I drove him crazy. “I like teasing you, and I’m a very needy boy, Daddy.”

Very needy.

“It’s not my fault, though.” Looking very cute and pouty, I gave him wide eyes as his body pressed into mine. “I woke up thinking about you and there you were looking so sexy.”

Nope, not my fault.

Of course I wasn’t going to tell him it was his fault…but it kind of was.

Daddy’s eyes said he wanted to laugh even though he was doing his best to glare. “Yes, it sounds like my boy just can’t help himself…he’s needy and probably achingly empty?”

Smart Daddies were the best kind of Daddies.

I nodded and tried not to look too naughty. “Very empty, Daddy. Only you can fix it.”

Well, I had a few toys that would make things a bit better but I knew they wouldn’t compare to the real Daddy stretched out over me. So I wrapped my legs around him and rocked him forward so his cock pressed against the empty area in question. “Are you going to help me, Daddy?”

He sighed, eyes still sparkling with silent laughter as he pretended to be theatrical. “I can’t decide if you make me want to laugh or fuck your brains out, sunshine.”

That was easy. “Both.”

And because I had the best Daddy ever, he listened to my wise advice and laughed as he kissed me again.

As his kisses spread out over my face and started working their way over to my ear where I knew his teeth were going to send shivers through me, he made a naughty, pleased sound. “I’m making an assumption here about what you want, sunshine, but do you need to head into the bathroom for a minute?”

“You’re so smart, Daddy.” Hugging him tight to praise him for his very correct assumption, I shook my head. “No, you sleep like the dead and I’ve been awake for a long time.”

And so patient.

He snickered but quickly got himself under control as he finally nibbled on my ear. “Such a naughty boy.”