

It’d make him happy.

And at some point, after they’d found the new house and before the shenanigans hit full ridiculousness, I was out too.

Clearly it hadn’t been the best plan.

Chapter 9


Daddy had forgotten to leave.

I managed not to giggle and wake him up, but he was stretched out on my bed, sleeping in his clothes and the TV had gone into the weird dark mode that it did when I fell asleep watching cartoons.

He was so cute. Rolling over onto my tummy so I could inch closer, I swung my legs back and forth as I watched him sleep. I wanted to giggle because Daddy was in my bed but I didn’t want to wake him up. Well-rested Daddies would have to give better good-morning rewards than tired Daddies.

Hmm, what was I supposed to feed him?

I wasn’t sure he would eat cereal even though everyone should like Rice Crispies or Froot Loops.

Maybe Daddy was a Grape Nuts kind of person?

Oh, maybe he ate granola…the healthy kind, not the chocolate kind.

Did I have anything healthy enough for a Daddy?

I should’ve planned better…but in my defense I hadn’t known we were going to have a sleepover.

“What are you thinking so loudly about, sunshine?” Daddy’s voice was quiet and so sleepy I wasn’t sure he was awake.

Whispering just in case he was talking in his sleep because I was so important he was thinking about me in his dreams, I was very quiet. “I don’t know what to feed you. Do you eat Froot Loops?”

Did I have coffee? How was I supposed to take care of Daddy if I didn’t have food or coffee for him?

“What?” Daddy’s eyes finally opened and he looked around the room, confused and frowning. “What the…”

Before Daddy said a naughty word, he sat up like a cartoon character and looked at my frog alarm clock that was sitting on the nightstand. “Shit.”

“No naughty words, Daddy.” Pretending to frown, I shook my finger. “I’m your sweet princess.”

He snorted, rubbing his hands over his face as he sighed. “I’m sorry, sunshine.”

Daddy leaned over, kissing the top of my head as his brain started to work. “I’m sorry I fell asleep here. I remember not wanting to wake you up and then being frustrated with that stupid Realtor and then nothing else but feeling you watching me.”

Daddy was psychic.

“I didn’t fall asleep too fast, Daddy.” No, I hadn’t been that tired. “I watched the show too. I can tell you what happened.”

Daddy laughed, leaning back against the pillows and shaking his head. “Because you’ve seen every episode three times.”


Maybe more if we counted the number of times I’d fallen asleep to it.

Did only seeing the first five minutes count?

Hmm, I’d worry about that later.

“Did you get a good night’s sleep, Daddy?” Happy Daddies were generous Daddies. “I was a very good boy. I slept all night long and I didn’t wiggle and wake you up and I was very quiet this morning.”

I’d been amazing…and very patient too.

But since Daddy didn’t seem worried that he was in my bed and he was now awake, I inched closer and closer. He was trying not to laugh but that just meant I got to keep going, and soon I was cuddled up on his chest and he had to wrap his arms around me. That was just how it worked and I was so glad he was smart and knew what he was supposed to do.

“Good morning, Daddy.” Waking up with him was so much fun, I kissed both his cheeks. “I liked seeing that you had a sleepover with me, but next time we’ll have to play more games to really make it a fun sleepover.”

Grown-up games.

That must’ve shown on my face, though, because Daddy laughed. “Hmm, should I ask what kind of games my naughty sunshine would want to play?”

Oh yes. Nodding, I wiggled closer until my cock was next to his hip. Clear communication was very important. “Maybe we could’ve gotten a bath together and we could’ve had bubbles.”

Then we could’ve played find the submarine and I’d have found Daddy’s submarine.

“I like bubbles.” Daddy’s lips were funny because he was trying not to giggle. “That does sound like a good game.”

“There are lots of good games we could’ve played.” Hmm… “Did you know that most of the time when people have sleepovers, they play things like Truth or Dare?”

That would’ve been fun too.

Just imagining it was so exciting I kept squirming against Daddy, and that was just making my cock even harder because he’d already been happy when we realized Daddy had stayed the night. Daddy’s low moan said he might’ve realized just how happy I was.

“And if it’s a grown-up kind of sleepover, there is supposed to be special cuddling at night after the lights went out.” Oh yes, this was good.