That just wouldn’t be nice.
Daddy sighed, shaking his head as he tried not to giggle. “I’m desperately trying not to make a Boy Scouts joke here.”
And he thought I was the troublemaker.
“You’re so naughty, Daddy.” I was going to tell him how helpful I was and that it should get me another orgasm. Three sounded like a very good number. But unfortunately, the world tried to tip over as I straightened.
But Daddy caught me and took charge again, pulling me down onto his lap. “Careful now, sunshine. The only part of you that should hurt after this is your pretty bottom.”
Oh, Daddy Tate thought I had a pretty bottom.
That just made me harder even before his hand came down on my naked bottom for the first time.
I knew he’d be the perfect Daddy.
I moaned as I pushed my face into the couch, immediately regretting my promise not to wiggle too much—and I should’ve picked out a scratchier towel because this one was so soft it was making it even harder to be good. “Oh, Daddy…”
He made a very pleased-with-himself chuckle as he wrapped one arm around me tight and brought his hand down with the other, giving me another wonderful spank. “I bet you’d like having a nice pink bottom and looking all pretty for me, wouldn’t you?”
Looking pretty just for Daddy would make it all even better.
Nodding against the couch, I decided humping his lap couldn’t be called wiggling. It was humping. Everyone knew that wasn’t the same thing, so I didn’t think I’d lied as I rocked my hips forward and moaned as Daddy spanked me again. “I’m…I’m going to look so…so pretty for you, Daddy.”
Yes, just for Daddy.
“That’s right. My sweet sunshine is going to have a pretty pink bottom and a soft cock after he gets to come.” Just hearing the proud sound in his voice made me feel wonderfully naughty. “Is this what you wanted, sunshine? Let me hear. I love it when you tell me what you want.”
Because I was Daddy’s good boy and he really liked good communication.
Grinding my dick against his lap, I nodded and tried to be his good sunshine. “Daddy…that’s so…”
Good communication.
Good communication.
“Right there, Daddy.” Yes, that counted as good communication. “More, Daddy. Please don’t stop.”
That had to count too.
“I’ve been good. Patient. Your good boy.” I’d been fantasizing about our first spanking for days and I knew I couldn’t hold back. Rocking faster, I fucked his lap as he made happy sounds like I was the best boy ever.
“That’s right. Such a good boy.” More happy sounds escaped Daddy Tate, and as I pushed my ass up to rock down again, he spanked right over my hole sending sparks of pleasure through me that pushed me right over the edge.
As I cried out, shaking as the fireworks just kept getting even more incredible, Daddy caressed over my ass, teasing my hole and mixing in spanks to keep the amazing mix of sensations going.
When I finally went boneless like wet spaghetti, he ran his hands over me, making soft sounds and holding me like I’d been the best boy ever. “That’s right. That’s my sweet sunshine.”
I was Daddy’s sunshine.
He held me tight and kept saying such sweet things until my brain started to work again. “You give the best aftercare, Daddy. Good job. I knew you could do it.”
Daddy Tate was smart.
He could learn anything he put his mind to.
Daddy chuckled and leaned over to kiss my head. “Thank you, sunshine.”
He did so good I floated for a few more minutes before I remembered that hard work needed to be rewarded. Yes, I couldn’t forget that. But my body did not work as fast as my mind did, so I just reached up and wrapped one arm around his neck first. “You did so good, Daddy.”
Yes, praise and rewards were both important parts of good communication.
“Thank you, sunshine.” I could hear the smile in his voice, so I knew he appreciated being told what a good job he’d done. “I’m glad you liked your spanking.”
Spankings were wonderful and good spankings were incredible.
Daddy Tate definitely gave magnificent spankings.
I was so important he’d worked hard for me.
That was such a wonderful thought it helped my legs work again. So I wiggled and pushed off Daddy’s lap, making him laugh when my butt wagged around like I was a puppy, not a little. “No tails here. Just stuck.”
Daddy giggled, sounding like he understood what I meant. “Tails look confusing, so I’m glad you don’t have one.”
He was so silly.
“What are you doing, sunshine?” Daddy’s hands braced my shoulders making sure I didn’t fall off the couch. “You don’t look steady.”
I wasn’t.
“I’m just going to the floor. I’ll be okay. I can’t fall off that.” But I was going to fall if I wasn’t careful because I’d wiggled my pants into making me stuck. “One second.”