Of course, Addison was solely focused on the pretty dress. “I might. I got a few smaller scholarships and one big one but they really only cover everything if I stay in on-campus housing. There are a few options that are like apartments but I don’t know if I’ve gotten one of those yet and I don’t know what kind of roommate I’ll have.”

Both very valid issues.

“I’m assuming that part of your plan is to put some of your stuff into storage?” As he nodded, I thought about how he could make things work. “As long as you’ve got the right storage in your room, even a dorm, you should be able to keep a lot of your toys and dresses with you and then change them out every few months?”

It seemed like the most practical idea and had Addison perking up. “I could do that. I would just need to make sure my fun stuff is easy to access and my regular stuff is at the back.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what regular stuff would include but it seemed like a reasonable plan. “We’ll just need do some research about good storage solutions.”

He might’ve been a bit older than the average college student but he couldn’t be the only person wanting to take way too much with them to school.

“Yes, I can do that.” Perking up again, he gave the dress one last longing look before putting his phone on the bench beside him. “I’ve already done lots of research.”

“Have you figured out what you’re going to major in?” He’d mentioned already having his associates but he’d been vague about everything else.

Nodding, he sat straighter and shoved his hands under his legs which seemed to be his I’m not going to wiggle pose. “Either chemistry or math. I can’t decide which but my counselor says that’s okay and I can start with basic classes in both and see which one I like best.”

With the amount of creative things in his house, from the toys to the refinished furniture that seemed to have all been personally redone by Addison, I’d expected something creative. But he seemed very confident in it, so I smiled. “That sounds incredibly hard but that excited expression says you’re ready for the challenge.”

He beamed even wider, barely holding back his wiggles. “I liked lots of stuff when I first went to college, and it was so overwhelming I panicked and stopped after the first two years. No one in my family had gone to college before, and they weren’t any help either.”

Shrugging, he didn’t seem to blame himself or anyone else as he explained what had happened. “But then I had a basic degree and no plan and the only jobs I could find were office work and that just wasn’t me. So I started waiting tables and I’m really good at that.”

I bet everyone loved him.

“So why did you decide to go back and get more education?” I wasn’t judging the decision. I was honestly curious.

“I can’t see myself waiting tables forever, and I really don’t like business jobs. They’re…they’re boring. I liked fixing up the stuff in my house but I wasn’t sure I could make a full-time living at that either.” He shrugged again, looking slightly apologetic. “It just took me a few years to figure out what I wanted to do. Decisions are hard.”

I had to agree.

“Absolutely, but it seems like you’ve done a very good job of figuring out a plan.” He had the money side of things worked out and housing too, even though some of that was still up in the air. “I think you’re doing great.”

He slouched back in the seat, smiling and looking relieved. “Really? I keep second-guessing everything and it took me a really long time to work up the nerve to apply again and to try to find scholarships. I dragged my feet on most of it.”

I scoffed, rolling my eyes dramatically and making him giggle. “You’re only twenty-five, sunshine. That’s not taking a long time doing anything.”

He was still laughing quietly as he shook his head like I was being ridiculous. “How old would I have to be to claim that, then?”

“Try almost forty.” I wasn’t worried about our age difference. I was head over heels for everything about the happy man, and his preferences made my age something that worked in our favor, but I wasn’t particularly happy about where I was in life.

His face scrunched up and he straightened to kiss my cheek. “I think you have a wonderful job, Daddy.”

“It wasn’t really the path I’d intended but I don’t mind where I’ve ended up.” Life was funny sometimes.

“Can I ask what happened, or is that an after a fourth date kind of discussion?” He was genuinely asking and it made me wonder what else he thought would happen after a fourth date.