“Are you reading naughty books, Daddy Tate?” His question came with a giggle that made me laugh.

“No, silly goose. It’s a blog about their life and explaining the Daddy and boy lifestyle to people.” That got another giggle like he didn’t believe me, so I wasn’t surprised when he started singing to himself.

“Daddy’s reading naughty books. Daddy’s reading naughty books.” He kept up the catchy tune as he got ready for the fashion show, and it only stopped when he clapped his hands. “All set.”

I was grateful since I was pretty sure I was going to be humming the dirty book song for the rest of the night and didn’t need it stuck in my head any longer than that. “I’m ready too.”

Setting my phone down on his cute side table, I almost laughed as music started to play that I knew came from some Disney movie, but I couldn’t remember which one. That thought faded quickly, though, as he swept into the room looking delightfully haughty like he was on the runway and the peasants were beneath him.

But he was also beautiful and very sparkly—tiara and all.

The long, pink princess gown had a high waist and almost went down to the floor where low, sparkly heels peeked out the bottom. He was perfect, and as he reached the end of his runway, he did a little turn and I clapped since that seemed to be required.

His faint nod as he walked by, still looking wonderfully in character as the cheerful music played, said I’d gotten my role correct.

Which was actually good to know since it was my first fashion show.

As he disappeared down the hallway again, I wasn’t sure what to do next, so I just waited. That turned out to be a good decision too because as the song changed, Addison swept back into the living room wearing a blue gown that looked almost like something Cinderella would’ve worn to the ball.

I was starting to understand why he’d needed to confess to blowing his budget on a dress.

This time the turn at the end was more sweeping as he held his arms out like he was showing off for the prince, and I got a curtsey as I clapped. He was right. Princesses definitely got to have more fun, and Addison was a princess that was thoroughly enjoying himself.

The fashion show continued through two more dress changes before he seemed to run out of fashionable enough outfits, because as the music stopped during his last walk down the runway, he giggled and ran back over to me.

Twirling, he aimed his adorable smile at me and lit up the whole room. “I’m so pretty.”

And wonderfully confident.

“You are a beautiful princess.” Taking another chance, I stood up and twirled my finger in the air. “One more for me. You were the perfect runway model.”

I got another giggle as he turned in a circle, pleased with the praise and probably the game in general. “Perfect.”

Clapping again because it seemed like the right thing to do, I was pleased when I got another curtsey. “Thank you, Daddy Tate.”

“You’re welcome.” Leaning closer, I kissed his cheek since that seemed to be a good, innocent response in the situation. “And thank you for the fashion show.”

He was bouncing on the heels in a way that made me incredibly nervous, but he didn’t kill himself, so I tried to keep my worries off my face. “You wanna see my playroom?”

So there was a room.

“Absolutely.” The trip to the playroom seemed to require hand-holding because he grabbed mine as he bounced us deeper into the small cottage-style house, dragging me with him excitedly.

“I have my dresses and toys and sparkly lights and pretty curtains and—ta-da…” His list of all the wonderful things in his playroom was cut off as we got to the door and he threw his hands wide—taking mine with him as he gestured. “It’s beautiful.”

He was right.

And it was pink and sparkly.

“It really is beautiful.” And it was definitely a room for a princess. “Your lamps are very sparkly, too. I love the way the crystals make the whole room twinkle.”

They were my favorite part because they were so perfectly Addison.

Instead of traditional shades, they had pink crystal strands that gave an almost disco ball effect to the room.

Addison made an excited squeal and dragged me deeper into the room. “And I have books and a princess bed, and I have Barbies and GI Joe so Barbie has someone to date and go on adventures with. She’s a spy you know.”

Well, that explained why she’d needed so many different careers over the years, and really, GI Joe was a much better fit for her if she was a spy. Ken could never keep up with that life even if he wasn’t gay.

“Do you want to show me how she goes on adventures? Does GI Joe help or does he wait at home for her?” Someone had to make sure their bills got paid.