Watching Sara through this pregnancy is this amazing experience. As her body has changed I’ve learned to cherish her more. It’s amazing the way her skin glows and begs for my touch. There isn’t instructions on the way a woman goes from being too sick to be touched one month to absolutely ready to jump my bones every five minutes the next. I never thought I would have to worry that my dick my break from overuse, but there was a period during this pregnancy I was a little concerned. And the last trimester, feeling our baby kick or watching the movement across her belly, it’s a gift from above to witness.

“Clay, I don’t know about this.”

“I’m right here, Sweets. We’re gonna get through this.”

She looks at me wide-eyed, “Sugar, that’s easy to say from where you stand. You are hot as they come, but you are tall. This baby, it has to come out of me.” She looks around to make sure the nurses aren’t around, “from a very small part of me. This part of it, Sugar, it don’t feel so good.”

I lean over pushing her hair back as I place a soft kiss to her forehead. “Loved you from the moment you dumped coffee on me, just didn’t realize in the moment what that spark meant. Never felt a damn thing like this before, Sara. Everything about you fits to me like you were made to be mine. I won’t do this life without you and without this baby. I’m here with you for the good parts and the parts that don’t feel so good. Sara, before our baby comes, I gotta know, you gonna ride out life with me?”

“OH MY GOD!” She screams. “I can’t,” the pants come out as she struggles with a contraction.

Taking her hand in mine, “squeeze Sara. Let me carry this with you.”

She looks at me with eyes full of excitement.

“Love you, Sweets. Gonna give me a baby?”

She nods as she tries to control her breathing.

“Gonna have a good life together?”

She nods as another contraction comes through. The nurse comes in before I can ask her again to marry me.

“Gotta check you Ms. Sweeting. These contractions are increasing in frequency so it should be about that time.”

The nurse goes about what must be uncomfortable as I watch Sara while she’s checking her cervix. “I’m going to call the doctor, you are at a ten. It’s time, Ms. Sweeting.”

I’m going to be a dad. We didn’t find out the gender, Sara’s choice, but in a matter of moments we are forever tied together.

“Givin’ me family like I never expected,” I whisper as she bites down through the contraction.

The doctor comes in with another nurse and they begin moving around and taking off parts of the bed while raising Sara’s legs up into the air. I take one leg behind the knee just like we practiced in our child birth classes while the nurse takes the other.

Sara leans in and follows the instructions as the doctor tells her when to push. While the medical team counts, I lean down to Sara.

“Givin’ me a gift of life. Givin’ me a piece of you and a piece of me. Givin’ me so much good, Sweets. From now until the end of our days, I’m gonna give you good, but it will never equal what you’ve given me.”

She exhales and rolls into another deep inhale and holding it as the contraction comes on and the staff counts her down.

“I love you Sara Jean Sweeting and I gotta know if you will be my wife? You’ve changed my life, changed my heart, and baby, I want to change your last name. Gonna ride out in life with me?”

“Yes!” She screams just as our baby’s head comes out.

I don’t look down, I listen as the doctor explains what is coming. Instead I keep my eyes on the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, my future wife.

Three more pushes and a bundle of purple squealing joy is lifted up and onto her chest.

“Well, Clay, what have we got?” Sara asks clearly exhausted but so in love as she beams down at our baby.

I move the legs to reveal and then look to Sara, “we have a baby girl.”

She smiles proudly. “Royal Jean Faircloth,” she whispers and I beam.

We had the name Royal Jean for a girl and Royal Gene for a boy, but we had not discussed last names at all.

“Since I’m gonna be changing my last name, might as well go ahead,” she tries for nonchalance, but I can see the emotion in her eyes.

“Sweets, I’m gonna wife you up as soon as I can, and I’ll give you all the Faircloth babies you want too.”

“A brood of little hellions?”

“Absolutely, Sweets.”

She holds our baby close and I take this moment in because this is the very best moment of my life.