She smiles, “I’m too tired to think. I gotta sleep.” Without another word, she climbs in bed. While we didn’t discuss me staying the night, she hasn’t sent me packing either. I climb in beside her, pulling her close and we both are asleep in minutes.

Morning comes and I am shocked to find I’m alone.

Not a single note, just vanished.

Knots form inside me. I quickly pull up my phone and check her location. Something she doesn’t know I set up, but after she was taken because of me, I made sure to be able to find her going forward.

She’s heading east back to her house I’m sure.

Without even saying goodbye or thank you or fuck off.

Normally this wouldn’t bother me. What is it about her that gets me so twisted?

Why can’t she ever make it easy?

My pride winning over, I get up, dress, and get on my bike heading back to Haywood’s Landing. Pulling up to her house, I wait knowing she stopped off at her sister’s. She pulls up as I stand beside my bike and I’m a mix of angry and happy to see her again. What the fuck is wrong with me?

She gets out of her sister’s car since she refuses to drive my Tahoe and marches right to me.

“Sugar, you’re fun. Like a lot of fun. But I’m not one for this. You got your world and I have mine. This thing between us, it doesn’t work.”

I smirk as I lean in close and whisper in her ear, “Sweets, it works just fine your body and mine. In fact, I bet you’re wet for me right now?”

I pull her to me and kiss her until I feel her melt under me. Pulling away she’s breathless and wanting more. “Keep denying this, Sweets. My cock is happy to keep proving you wrong.”




“A biker and a farmer walk into my life…”

I’m in the Sampson office with Josie. I’ve never paid attention to this town. I come in, do my job, go back to the coast. Now though, I know who is here.

The Hellions.

First up, Josie rides with me to Honey’s Hot Rods.

The shop is unlock anything I expected to see. First, I pull up into a gravel parking lot with a small building for an office. There is a porch that has the cab of a truck in front of it with a skeleton in the driver’s seat hanging out the window wearing a hat. The whole place around the building to the back is fenced in and gated. A large shop to the left of the office building has four garage doors in what I assume to be their work bays.

I walk up the porch with Josie on my heels. We step inside to the coolest office I’ve ever gone into for a garage. The ceiling is done in tin while the walls have these car signs. It’s inviting with a sitting area.

Before I can take in more, a woman about five feet tall comes barreling through a side door that was down a hallway to my left from the entrance. I look to see another area with an old car of some sort and two motorcycles parked.

“Y’all need some help?” The woman asks her hair is pulled back in a braid that goes to the side. She’s wearing coveralls that have a patch with the name Honey and converse sneakers.

“I wanted to see about paying the bill on my Ford Focus. I’m Sara, we’ve talked on the phone.”

She smiles and I instantly am at ease. “Girl, I can’t charge you. Country Boy would have my ass. My dad would have my ass. You got claimed, you’re a Hellion, that makes you family. Car will be finished today. Gonna drive it some tomorrow then Stud, he’s my dad, will get it back to your house.”

“I need to pay.”

She throws her hands up. “Sara, I love that you do for you. I am all about that. But I can’t take your money. I won’t take your money. I don’t take shit from anyone, but I am not gonna set myself up to catch it from my dad when Country Boy finds out I let you pay. If you got an issue with that, sisterhood or not, I gotta tell you take it up with your man.”

“He’s not my man. It’s like a casual thing,” I try explaining.

She laughs. “I got a casual thing too. It got me two kids, a headache, and a whole lot of confusion. Best thing I can tell you, woman to woman. Country Boy is the kind of man you can take home to mom and dad, but he’s also not afraid to end someone for fucking with you. There is no safer place to be than in his arms. Let him show you this world we have in the Hellions. Don’t hold back. Life is too short.”