Clay claimed me. I don’t exactly know what that means, but I find comfort in it. Even in all the chaos I’ve gone through, the Hellions are not at all what I expected. I have to admit some things I’ve taken note of in the short time I’ve known Country boy and his comrades, they are thick as thieves. It’s clear the bond is strong and they come together as one.

Mostly, though, I like the frank honesty I’ve experienced. Even the flirtatious and somewhat brash way they spoke at the coffee shop when I first encountered Country Boy and the club. I don’t often see this level of raw truth often.

My family is amazing, the best even, I won’t even try to deny it. The only downside is feelings do matter to most of them. Therefore, sometimes what needs to be said doesn’t always get said, even by me. Sure, they always joke about me being the one to tell it like it is. Maybe that’s a birth order thing, I don’t know. Regularly though, I do tend to speak my mind, with respect. My mom, though, she doesn’t want to lay things out there if she thinks it will offend or hurt someone’s feelings. Carrie, she is the sweetest person in the world and doesn’t even want a hornet that stung her to get hurt in return. Once a bee stung her and she cried that it would die after the attack. Um, no, if that bee felt like it was going to war with my body, it can die.

I’ve always been told I think different and I’m bold in my response to most things. I’m okay with that because it’s me and I make no apologies for being me.

However, experiencing it back… well, it’s refreshing. Even if Dove’s cock is involved in the conversation at least he not only listened to me, but heard me and respected us all.

“Sweets, you ready for a shower and comfort of a real bed?” Clay asks softly and I can only nod.

Logically, I know I am safe. Even when the weirdo had me I didn’t feel like he would actually hurt me most of the time. This whole thing has my mind in a million places.

Am I ready for a shower? Absolutely.

A real bed? Sign me up.

Why do I feel on edge being in one place overnight?

“I’m more than ready to brush my teeth and a long hot shower sounds like the best offer I’ve had in I don’t know when.”

He smiles and butterflies flutter in my belly. “A sink and a shower, damn Sweets, you make shit easy.”

I shrug my shoulders climbing down from the sleeper area to the passenger seat to get out.

“What can I say? I like to keep things simple.”

Only I have a feeling nothing about the life style the man in front of me leads is simple.



“Silence is golden… duct tape is silver.”

It doesn’t take long before Dove is back from the check-in. I open the driver’s side door for him. He hands me the small folder holding the room key. I take it from him with a nod before reaching to the back to grab my duffel bag from the sleeper area along with Sara’s so we have our clothing for the morning.

Sara is still wearing my baseball hat backwards. It’s cute, but I’m so used to having a cap on my head, I feel almost naked. I give her hand a squeeze before I release it to climb down. A quick trade off of the keys to Dove and I round the hood to go to the passenger door. Opening it, I don’t bother giving her time to think as I reach out and scoop her up and out to me. As she comes out of the passenger seat, down against my body, I finally feel true relief. She is here, safe.

This has been a rollercoaster ride I haven’t ever experienced before. Did I ever think I could care for someone I barely know? Not in a million years. She is fun. It was a quick thing. I’m not a playboy like some of the brothers, but I’m also not big on settling down.

When she called and was in danger because of me… everything changed. I laid a claim to her like I never thought I would ever have.

Sure, I’ve got brothers with ol’ ladies. Hell, my parents have been married for forty damn years. I just never thought it was in the cards for me. I’ve been with women, more than I care to admit. I’ve never cared about a woman.

What happens after the good time, her life is her own. This is my typical, hit it and quit it. Except everything with Sara has been far from typical. Especially when my life stepped in and fucked hers up. She is different than anyone I’ve ever encountered.