“Pres, all due respect, I wasn’t so sure, you weren’t just caught up in the moment. Pissed that the DreamCatchers pulled some shit. Had to wonder if that claim you laid still stood or if this spit fire was up for grabs.”

A low growl comes from Clay. “When I said she was mine, I meant it then and I mean it now. She’s off limits to everyone.”

“Noted,” Dove replies before looking to me and extending his hand, “I’m Jasper, by the way. Everyone calls me Dove.”

I don’t take the invitation right away. Instead, I study Clay looking for a sign of what I’m supposed to do. When I can’t get a read on him, I decide that southern manners win so I place my hand in his for a handshake.

“My name is Sara. Everyone calls me Sara. I don’t know biker code except what I read in books and I’m not sure if I’m ready to hear why everyone calls you Dove if I’m completely honest.”

He gives me a smile that is so big and bright I yank my hand back. How can one person go from menacing to peaceful in a matter of moments?

“I like her, Pres.”

Clay lets out a huff, “don’t really give a shit what you think.”

“Ummm, Sugar, that was a little rude,” I tell him. “Your friend here, I think he’s trying to make nice and well, it’s been a long few days so I could use some nice.”

Before I can register his movement, Clay has his hand cupping my chin pulling me to him as he kisses me once again. My body betrays me falling into the kiss and only when he pulls away do I breathe again.

“That mouth, fuck me.” He mutters before starting the rig and pulling away. I’m mesmerized as he changes the gears.

“You know how to drive one of these things?” I ask as the curiosity gets to me.

“Can drive just about anything, sweets.”

That’s the damn truth because he definitely drives me crazy.

Dove spouts off an address just over the state line in Louisiana where we will stop for the night. I need to call work. I need to call about my car. I definitely need to touch base with Carrie and make sure my animals are okay. There are so many things going over in my mind, but I can’t bring myself to ask Country Boy for anything. I think he got my phone from one of the DreamCatcher MC people, but in the chaos I didn’t confirm. This is all so surreal. I can make all the calls once we are out of this state. Then it will be real that I’m safe. The sound of the truck, the smoothness of the ride, and the overall fatigue of everything I have been through I suddenly find myself laying down in this bed and falling asleep.

Well, I didn’t lose anything in Texas so there isn’t any reason to stay awake, right?

The truck comes to a stop and I wake up groggy. Looking around we are at a hotel. Not a dive like I guess I expected but a nice place. Not over the top, but definitely not some no-tell motel.

“I’ll get checked in and the room key,” Dove states to Clay.

Instantly, I’m alert as I sit up. “Umm, Dove, buddy, I think you and me, we’re cool, but I’ve kind of had enough of nights with strangers. One day, we maybe can be friends, but tonight, if you could get me my own room. I don’t have my purse because it got left behind so I don’t have my credit cards. And while I don’t have a ton of money, I have some savings, so I’ll pay ya back for the room once we are home. I’m good for it, promise. If one of you has a phone charger, I can maybe charge my phone and send you some money in an app? My phone died at some point, I didn’t exactly have it until those DreamCatcher people showed up.”

Clay looks heartbroken while Dove laughs before he explains. “Sara, you’re hot as fuck. Love this honesty you got in you, girl. My brother, here would kill me if I was in a room with you. Get you don’t get our life, but baby girl, Country Boy claimed you. No way I’m sharing a room with you. I like to hang out with my wang out and if you see the cock I got, well, you might not be so happy with his and then he’s gonna have to kill me. It’s doing me a favor, us not sharing a room.”

I look to Clay then back to Dove in shock.

“Dove, go get the fuckin’ key. Don’t talk about your fuckin’ cock around Sara again.” There is a sharpness to his tone that I find this confidence in.