This contacthim holding my handit’s simple. Should it be complicated? I don’t know. In fact, right now, I don’t know anything other than I want a damn shower and a cheeseburger would be nice. Holding my hand though, it’s comforting. Country Boy is here. He has this under control.
When we approach, he opens the passenger door for me. As I go to climb in, he puts his hands on my ass to assist me and I can’t help it as the relief washes over me.
I’m safe.
Country Boy has me. He’s touching me. This is real.
On the outside I’ve tried to be cool as a cucumber, but inside I have to admit there are these times I wasn’t so sure how I would come out of this. Up to the very end I couldn’t stop myself from wondering if I would see freedom once more. I knew once I saw Country Boy on that phone he would get to me. I can’t explain it, but I know without a doubt he’s is the kind of man who stands by his word. The relief in knowing that I’m safe is almost like an adrenaline rush. My body is fatigued, but my mind races. As I settle in the seat, Country Boy looks up at me. He’s watching me.
“Is this real?” he asks with his Carolina twang drawing out the word real.
I smile softly. It’s nice to have someone who feels the same way too. I really don’t know if this is reality or some hallucination. Does he read me that well to know how I’m feeling? I don’t know and honestly my brain is a muddled mess.
“Not sure, Sugar, but I’d really like to get the hell outta dodge. This place has not been a fun one. For a vacation, I would give it a one star and do not recommend in case you needed my review. And if by some chance this is a dream or you’re some figment of my imagination, please don’t wake me up until I’m out of this mess.”
“Are you always so sassy?”
Reaching up I tap my finger to my chin, “Probably, but right now I am seriously not thinking clearly and I don’t know up from down.”
Surprising me, he climbs up the awkward steps of the rig so his face is to mine since I’m in the passenger seat. A seat that is nicer and more comfortable than my office chair at work or my damn recliner at home. Who knew traveling in a big rig could be so luxurious. My mind is all over the place as usual and he is looking at me like he’s studying hard.
His right hand comes up to cradle my jaw line and face while his thumb gently strokes my cheek. “Sweets, I haven’t figured out up from down since you dropped coffee on me. What I can tell you is you are safe with me.”
I feel the tears building and I fight to push them back. There is no time to think or take in more as his lips crash to mine. With his hold on my face, I can’t do much except fall into the rhythm he’s setting. This kiss feels different. Or maybe my mind is different.
It’s overpowering in the best possible way. I feel wanted, desired, treasured, and important in this kiss like no man has ever made me feel before.
Opening ever so slightly, he takes the invitation and his tongue finds mine. What begins easily quickly heats into more. It’s like he is struggling with this himself. This kiss it’s like he’s making things real. The passion he’s giving is like he needs to know I’m real.
Within seconds I find myself reaching up resting my hands on the cool leather of his cut. I roam taking my hands up to lift the baseball cap off his head that he wears backwards. It was the same way he wore his hat the day we met at the coffee shop. He doesn’t break the kiss nor does he soften it. We are a tangle of tongues as I put his hat backwards on my head. Exploring I run my hand over the smoothness of his shaved head. It’s soft as I relax into our kiss.
Hair. I have a lot of it. In fact, it’s almost shampoo commercial worthy. Long, down to my lower back, thick, and dark brown. Not being able to shower for days, a hot biker kissing me when I haven’t been able to brush my teeth since yesterday, well my insecurities are creeping in. I feel like my mouth is more dry than ever before. Given my situation I didn’t have some free access to water at will. Although, in this moment, my greasy hair is my biggest insecurity. His hat can cover my hair at least until I get somewhere to clean up.