What the hell have I gotten into now?

How am I going to get out of this?

How do I warn Country Boy that this man we are dealing with isn’t normal? I don’t think at the root of it he can actually understand what he’s done to me.

Clearly, he’s unhinged.



“My mouth may not say it, but my face will.”

Climbing down from the rig, fury is consuming me. Tripp has every free Hellion within a ten mile radius to ride in at my call. Given we aren’t trying to go to war, they aren’t on sight as I meet with DreamCatchers and gain a better idea of what we are dealing with. The text is set to send on Dove’s phone with the punch of a button if anything feels off. Tripp gets that message and they are coming in from every direction.

Tripp’s been involved with everything since finding out Sara’s situation. After making a call to Hydro, the meet time for the transport was adjusted to give time for my club to get caught up to me. Sure, Hydro doesn’t know that shit. He has no clue how close my brothers are now, he thought I had trouble with the truck and had a holdover. How wrong he is. But the gift of knowledge is lost to any motherfucker that doesn’t wear my colors until Sara is back in my arms safe. Tripp rallied all the chapters to head this way and send every man they could. I have to hand it to Tripp, he’s called in other clubs to take my back until they could get to me.

Trapper, Rowdy, X, and Collector from the Devil’s Due MC have been at my back since the day I found out Sara was caught up in this shit. Tripp made that call and within hours the band of Nomads were riding up in my rearview.

As much as it kills me, I have to make the drop without starting a war since we have not yet narrowed down Sara’s location.

This is the thing about club life. No matter what, if a brother is in need, everyone rides out for them. As soon as I gave the alert to my club, every brother stepped in to assist. Some hit the road to get to me, others stayed back to do research.

Raff is using his hacking skills back in Salemburg. He did a deep dive into Hydro and crew. The club is solid and has been for generations. Nothing stands out except for a search Cobra recently did on a man. Yes, Raff tapped into each one of their computers, phones, even their fucking kid’s tablets. We know more than anyone would want us to know. Shit, Raff went on to track some of the ol’ ladies simply to make sure none of them happened to get tied up in this. Nothing is off the table. I’ll give the DreamCatchers credit for having some of their shit off the books without a way to track it. They are definitely hiding some money and some of the guys hide their family information better than others. Overall, Raff is impressed by them, but we’re all still pissed about the shit with Sara. Hours have gone into searching each of them and the only real stand out was Cobra’s interest in this one man.

Charles “Chuck” Proffit.

White male, twenty-two, and a juvenile history in more than one mental institution. He suffers from multiple personality disorder along with some personality disassociations. I have no clue what the fuck any of that means outside of the fucker has some issues.

While he’s not in the club, there was an email from him about prospecting for the club. I have to admit, been a Hellion for the last ten years, and I’ve never seen someone email an officer to request prospecting. Every club has their own way of doing things… we don’t fuck with paper trails much ourselves, and it doesn’t seem like they do either, only this motherfucker emailed Cobra. According to Raff, Cobra didn’t seem into the guy from what he could read in the email. Curiosity piqued, Raff looked into Chuck’s email and he likes to email himself about the club.

Except not exactly. Chuck emailed Brent to let him know they would soon have a real brotherhood and a safe space. He could stand down. I don’t know what Brent was planning to do, but I know there is no way in fuck anyone in the Hellions would be emailing shit about club business.

Further research shows Brent does not exist except in this fucker’s head. The deeper Raff digs, the less anything makes sense.

Why Sara?

Why fuck with the Hellions?

That we won’t know until we find him.

I have to keep a level head for Sara’s sake. It’s killing me as we make the approach to the club. I want to shoot first and ask questions later, but that won’t do shit for Sara.