“What happens when you get voted out?” Aiming to keep things casual, I hope I can learn how he got voted out and felt this was the lengths necessary to get a second chance.
He moves toward me grabbing me by the hand, “enough,” he barks yanking me back into the open space and to my chair.
Shit, I pissed him off. Wrong thing to bring up. Fuck. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” My mind goes to those biker shows and books I’ve read. “I’m a woman, I shouldn’t ask you questions about the club. That was wrong of me.” I hope this works. “Have you slept? I didn’t get your name, but have you had any sleep?”
“That’s right, bitch!” He yells, “Know your place.”
Okay, look, I get he’s lost his ever loving fucking mind, but that was uncalled for. Clearly, his mom did not give him any lessons on manners.
“Hey, hey, no need to call me a bitch. I mean sure I can be one, but I’m just thinking since we are here and have some time to kill, I’d like to get to know you better.” In my head, I’m thinking I really would like to slap you and show you what a bitch can do, except with the shit he’s pumped into my system, I can’t do that right now.
His expression changes, softens a little. “What do you want to know?”
Ummm… what kind of question is that? The more he talks, the more he confuses me. “You tell me,” I encourage as he starts to zip-tie my legs again. Just the thought of the confines has my pulse quickening. I’m stiff, I’m groggy, and I want to feel like I can move. “Okay, buddy, I know you need me. I have no clue where I am so let’s just come to an agreement, please. No zip-ties?”
God, I want to vomit and punch myself in the face for even requesting his kindness. But, means to an end. If the transport is indeed happening soon and I’m close, then I need to not be confined to a damn chair. And for whatever reason, he has this never ending supply of zip-ties. He cuts a set off so I can pee and poof he pulls another set from his pocket.
He’s prepared for this, but for him it’s about showing them he belongs. This man clearly isn’t part of the DreamCatchers MC. I don’t think this is good for me.
They may not even care to help me. To Country Boy, I’m nothing more than a hook-up. How do I leave my fate to this man? To any man for that matter? I need to work things out for when the opportunity presents itself I’m able to bolt, even if I don’t know where I’m going.
“If I don’t tie you, are you going to stay?”
“Sure,” I lie. I have no intention of staying. I just need to get him to stop injecting me with the shit that is keeping me weak and I need the freedom to move.
“Who do you want to know about?” he asks staring at me from behind the ski mask.
How he’s managed to keep it on, I don’t know. When Covid first happened and work required us to wear masks at all working times, I thought I would lose my mind. I felt trapped.
If only I could go back in time, because now I am actually trapped. Wearing a mask seems like nothing.
“You,” I counter. “Since you know about me, I would like to get to know you.”
“Right now, Brent is in the front. Although Scott is racing around wanting an opportunity to chat.” He doesn’t elaborate leaving me confused to say the least.
“Who is Brent?”
The man begins to pace as I remain in my chair not wanting to cause him any alarm.
He sighs, “Brent is in charge. He is the one who swears being in a motorcycle club will get us family. I’m Scott, I think the lot of them are insane. They push me down so I have to be quiet. Wouldn’t want to let the rational one take over and kill their vibe over Chuck.”
I don’t take my eyes off the man as his gait changes right in front of me. His entire demeanor shifts as he stands taller and walks differently than before.
“Alex here, those two knuckleheads talk too much. Look, we all work together for the greater good to keep Chuck safe. He’s been through shit. What’s best is you sit there, shut up, and pray your Hellion keeps his end of things. Once Chuck gets us our patch, we will all have the brothers to help us keep him safe. Then we won’t have to fight to be in the front and control things.”
With every name he brings up, his pace, stance, and way he walks changes. It really is as if the man in front of me becomes someone new.