What is he doing while I’m out?

Is he sleeping? Is he on drugs? Who is this man?

He locks his gaze to mine. His eyes are wild with … fear? I’m not sure. “You can’t use your phone. When this is over, you can explain. It will be fine.”

I’m weak. Not having real food for days has left my body feeling drained. Maybe it’s residual effects of the drugs. I don’t know. What I do know, I can’t fight.

Mentally, I want to. Physically, it’s like I can’t. Lifting my arm to hold the phone to my head was a challenge just to follow the instructions of this guy.

“What have you given me?”

He shakes his head. “It’s not gonna kill you. Just keeps you easier to handle.”

“Why can’t you give me a straight answer? I ask questions and you don’t just say it. What did you drug me with?”

He throws his head back, obviously frustrated, “I gave you what I needed to. Keep talking and I’ll give you more. We have one day left together. Your man will come through.”

Now it’s my turn. I throw my head back in frustration, “he’s not my man. We fucked. I don’t know how you found me, but I don’t even know his name other than Country Boy. I had a one night stand! I’ll pay for that for the rest of my life it seems since you came in and have totally thrown my entire world into chaos. All because I was weak to a bad boy with a beard!” I’m screaming by the end of my rant.

In my sluggish state, I can’t fight as once again the prick to my neck comes letting me know I have no control.

The darkness is winning over as I fight to stay with it. I watch behind hooded eyes as he begins pacing around.

“They’re gonna see. Hydro is going to see, we bring so much to the table.” He begins to circle, talking to himself. “Scott, we are going to be a legacy to the Dreamcatchers! Cobra might have told them our secret, but after this, they will all see. Cobra is going to be mocked for not seeing the value in all of us!”

My mind swirls as I’m holding onto staying conscious. Us, what the hell is wrong with this man? Who is Scott, or Hydro, or Cobra?

“Brent, back down!” he cries out to the empty room we are in. “If Hydro doesn’t give us our patch for this, then you can come out. Scott, he’s got us. All of us. Cobra shouldn’t have told them what he found. Now he’s going to learn, together we work as one. The Dreamcatchers only wish they were as clever as we are!”

I can’t stay with it. I’m hallucinating. That must be it! Why is he rambling. The room is spinning, my body is numb, and my mind is blank.

The darkness wins again.



“If you ain’t tough, you ain’t shit.”

I come to disorientated and unsure how much more time I’ve lost. “Excuse me,” I croak out. “I need to use the facilities.”

In my whole life, I’ve never used drugs. I’ve had drinks, been drunk, but never blacked out on anything. Coming to each time feels heavy. It’s like I’m in some dream and I have to gather my wits back around me. Each time is another window I lose and I have to regain my senses while I assess my surroundings because they keep changing. One of my biggest challenges right now is trying to hold onto the details as it all keeps blurring together.

One detail I have focused on about the last bit of time before he injected me, we aren’t on the road anymore. We are in some building, an old store I think. It has racks and shelves that are covered in dust. The glass windows are boarded up. We do have power and water, and a bathroom. He keeps me zip-tied by my feet to a chair and my hands while free, just feel weak. Even when we were on the road, he kept my feet zip-tied together. In the car, I had my hands bound as well. Being stationary, he doesn’t jab me with whatever junk it is as often, and I listen as he speaks to himself frequently.

In some ways, I consider myself lucky to be alive. I mean I’ve watched those movies. Bikers have no fucks to give. Why didn’t he kill me?

I’m not part of their world. Really, I am shit to all of these people including Country Boy. In all the books I’ve read they always save the girl. Except, I know that shit is fiction and this right here… is not!

He’s going to get his whatever and then I matter not. This is an episode of some crime show in the future waiting to happen. Cat woman threw caution to the wind, had one glorious night with a stranger, and she was never seen or heard from again. The episode will air with that tag line followed by the line all those shows have… but there were signs.