Tossing things around, I want my sister to know something is up when she gets here. I make as much of a mess as I can while tugging down shirts from hangers and throwing shoes. I’m normally not home so much and she steps in for my dogs that I need to make it evident. This is different.

“Alright, let’s go!”

Shit, I need more time. He didn’t deny that he is taking me, and his focus is on me and not robbing me. I try to keep my head clear and think through what to do. “But I need my skincare! Oh, and dry shampoo. This mane doesn’t take care of itself dear sir.”

“Enough,” he yells while waving the gun around.

Alright, I’m pressing my luck.

“Okay, I’ll keep it simple, but I’m due to start my period, so I need to get my tampons. Unless you are going to stop and buy them for me?”

“Get your shit. You have three seconds.”

His tone has changed. Definitely at the end of his rope now. I go along for the moment.

Toiletries packed, clothes in the bag, I can only hope to stay calm and keep this guy from coming unhinged while I figure out why he’s taking me in the first place.

My mind starts thinking, once I get outside the front door if I take off in a run, I have a chance. Bob and weave don’t stay in a straight path, the target is more difficult to hit. I’m thinking it through while plundering to get things together.

I’m bent over in the bathroom cabinet when the prick comes to the back of my neck. Warm liquid pumps into me as I feel myself losing control.

In the blink of an eye, everything goes black.

Fuck, this is not how I planned my day to go at all.



“Bait ‘em, Hook ‘em, and Reel ‘em in.”

Two days on the road and still another day from our offload. Long runs like this I enjoy. It’s a different way to see the country. Sure, I would rather be on my bike, but I’m happy anytime I’ve got wheels on pavement. This is a run for the DreamCatchers MC. They are giving a full marker for whatever it is.

Have we done a transport for them before? I don’t know. That’s not my part of the business. Tripp without a doubt vetted them before taking the transport on. I haven’t personally taken a run for them before. This is one of those do as I’m told things and I’m good with it. The Hellions have been doing these kinds of runs since before I could think about being in a motorcycle club. Tripp knows which ones to take and which fuckers to send down the road to be someone else’s problem.

As for the transports themselves, the contents of the trailer are not my business either. One can wonder, one can be indifferent, or one can succumb to curiosity and go check it out.

The one’s who give in to the temptation and check the load… they aren’t cut out for our club. There are things in this lifestyle that get done because a brother needs it done. No need to hesitate or question a damn thing. It’s why the prospecting time is crucial before any man can be part of this. We have to know them through and through. There is no time limit on the prospecting period, but in the end when it’s time to vote about that final rocker, it’s an all or nothing kind of thing. If one brother gives a negative vote, that’s it, prospect is done. That said, I can’t say there are too many times where a man who is prospecting doesn’t earn his cut and rockers, but it has happened on occasion.

As for the transports for other clubs, I’m indifferent. This is a job; I’ll do what I have to and go back to my life in NC. What another club does is not my concern unless they cross the Hellions.

However, I have to admit for a club to toss out a marker, well, to me, that means it’s important. My understanding of shit, there is a history that goes back to Roundman and Danza’s time with the DreamCatchers. Some rescue that was off the chain intense, but the brothers of DreamCatchers respected Roundman and Danza and they all had each other’s back. We are friendly with the club and as generations pass on so does that level of respect.

No club wants to give another club a marker unless they can’t find another solution to their problem. It also leads to a high probability that if I’m caught with whatever is back there, I’m going to do some time in a prison. Since I’m not feeling like ‘three hots and a cot’ in a federal penitentiary is my cup of tea, I have obeyed all weight checks, all speed limits, and not pushed the boundaries on time behind the wheel. Any mishap could have huge implications. None of us have time for that. We made the trailer change in Louisiana late last night. I’ll make it to my Texas destination tonight and tomorrow morning, Hydro and crew will come get their belongings, I’ll hook to an empty trailer and head back east.