Tractor Supply – Cracked Corn special

PITA – reminder we have the budget update in your emails

Yeah, my boss is in my phone as PITA for Pain in the Ass. Hey, if the shoe fits, wear it.

Your Favorite – tell mom you think I need an Australia Shepard please

My baby sister, Cara-Ann loves to get everyone’s phones first to change her name in them to favorite, and she is always wanting another pet. I’m with her, we need to add to the family especially of the four-legged variety. So I will gladly tell mom we need to get a puppy for my sister. Hey, it worked when she wanted the guinea pig a few years back.

Tracie – winner, winner, chicken dinner, you must make this recipe!

That’s Tracie, we are constantly texting recipes. She loves chicken almost as much as I love bacon!

Jordyn – TAG

She’s my intern for work. While finishing up her degree she interns with me. I guess I missed her call and now it’s my turn to call her back. It will have to wait. Thankfully, she knows I’m not one to be by my phone constantly. If it was important, she would have called my work line. That phone is always with my work computer, so I’ve had it with me. Luckily Tuesdays are usually pretty quiet overall.

Country Boy – Now you got my number, I’ll touch base when I can. Have a good day, sweets.

There he is. Simple, but complicated. What kind of text is this? Am I supposed to reach out? He hasn’t called. I don’t really fall for that hierarchy of a man needs to make the first move bullshit. And I don’t even need him to call first, but this whole situation leaves me confuddled.

Is it even possible to have a relationship with a Hellion? Would I want one?

These thoughts run around in circles in my mind. Would his lifestyle work in mine? No, but another visit or two from him like last night wouldn’t be denied.

Oh my god, the Hellion has made a me a wanting whore.

I can’t help but laugh at myself. I need to stop watching so much tv. I’ll probably not hear another word from him.

The evening goes on. Finally with all the work and house stuff done for the day, I climb into my bed with my clean sheets feeling like my bed is empty.

Funny, I’ve had long term relationships. My ex and I lived together for a year. I hated having him in bed with me. I’m the queen of the starfish. Lay flat on my belly and stretch my arms and legs out. Penny always lays to the inside of my left leg by my foot and Lilly shares my pillow with me.

Except last night.

Last night, I shared my bed with him. I woke up cuddled to him.

Tonight, I miss it.

What the hell are all these feelings? I’m not that girl, the one who misses anyone. I like solitude. I’m good with being by myself. Believe it or not I like my own company. I’m pretty badass if I do say so myself.

Momma is always telling me and my sisters, keep your head up, shoulders back, and don’t dare be afraid of loving yourself.

Drifting off, my dreams are filled with the what ifs and my imagination runs wild with possibilities.

A loud banging has both dogs up and barking their heads off. I blink a few times as I get up. My body is still sore from my rendezvous with Country Boy. Hey, that’s how he saved his number, so I’ll go with it. At least until I learn his actual name.

Moving to the door, I send Penny and Lilly back to place on their dog beds. I have no idea who would come here this late, and I wish I listened when my mom all but begged my dad to change my front door so I would have a peep hole. I unlock the deadbolt, the regular lock, and twist the doorknob. I’m looking down as I open the door.

As I scan up from the black shit kicker boots with the black jeans, I follow a shorter broad man’s frame up into a black hoodie with a black mask and his arms extended pointing a black gun right in my face. Oh my God! This is not how I want to die!

The barrel is level to my nose.

Who does that?

Why this annoys me, I can’t comprehend.

My head, sure. My chest even. But why my nose?

In the moment, my pulse quickens, and I feel the edge of anxiety. Mostly though, I feel pissed right the fuck off. My dad is big on all of us knowing about firearm safety. Mom is always saying, “Timmy, don’t get the girls worried, they’ll be fine,” as he runs over ever possible scenario while teaching each of us to assemble and disassemble his plethora of handguns. I think he had my baby sister shooting at five. I remember being ten or eleven my first time shooting with him out in the open field in the dead of winter on the farm.