We’re in the last ten minutes of play in the third period, and I’ve scored as many goals this game. It’s only an exhibition, but it’s against the team who took us out of the playoffs last year. I needed this.

“Beautiful goal, Stiles.” Dallas slaps me on the shoulder as we trade places. He glides out onto the ice, and I take a spot on the bench next to Ashish, who gives me a fist bump.

“You’re owning the ice tonight,” Coach tells me.

More of my teammates pat me on the back as I take a drink and catch my breath. I can’t stop smiling. I scan the arena and spot my brother and dad. Bea is in the box with Hemi and the girls.

Flip pats me on the back. “I said you’d kill it tonight, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you did. That was a great setup.” Flip isn’t playing his best tonight. He’s usually cleaner on the ice, but he was out late last night. Regardless, he recovered a fumbled pass, and I scored the goal.

“We’re a kickass team, but you really pulled it out.” He taps his temple. “You gotta stay out of your head.”

“I know. I’m my own worst enemy sometimes.”

He pats me on the back like he understands, but Flip usually lets things roll right off him. If he has a bad game, he says he’ll do better next time. If he has a great game, he’ll give his teammates credit. If I have a bad game, I worry the next one will be worse, that I don’t deserve my spot on this team. It’s a shit mindset to get into, so I need to roll with this high.

After a few minutes, we rotate back onto the ice. The opposition scrambles for a goal to close our lead, but they can’t get the puck to stay past the center line, so we win the game, four-two.

I stop to chat with my dad and brother before I hit the locker room.

“Beautiful game tonight, son.” Dad claps me on the shoulder.

“Thanks. We played tight, and I had good setups.”

“You kicked ass!” Brody gives me a fist bump. “My friends are blowing up my phone. Can we snap a pic?”

“For sure.” I throw my arm over my brother’s shoulders and smile as he snaps a bunch of selfies. “Things are good? We can get on the ice together next week?”

“I don’t want to ruin your flow,” Brody says.

“You never ruin my flow.” I squeeze his shoulder. “We’ll make it happen. I’ll check your schedule and mine and toss out a couple of dates.”

“Okay. Sounds good.” Brody’s all smiles.

“Everything going okay? Is Beatrix still staying with you?” Dad asks.

“Uh, yeah. She is for a while longer.” I rub the back of my neck. “Her last apartment wasn’t great, so we want to make sure she’s in a safer neighborhood this time.”

“It’s good you’re letting her stay with you. Her family didn’t have it easy growing up.”

“No, they didn’t. But she’s got a good job now.”

“And Flip helps her out, I’m sure.”

“When she lets him, yeah. She’s pretty independent and does most of the caretaking, actually.”

“You two have that in common, then.” He fishes around in his pocket for his keys. “All right, Brody. You’ve got school in the morning. Let’s get you home.” Dad smiles at me. “Nice game tonight. I’m real proud of you.”

“Thanks, Dad. I’ll call you later in the week.”

“Sounds good.” He ushers Brody down the hall.

The locker room is buzzing with the high of handing our biggest rivals their ass. When Flip sees me, he whistles and claps.

“Fuck off, man.” I flip him the bird, but I’m smiling. I needed this win and these points. I needed my team to see that I can play my ass off, even when it’s just an exhibition game, that I can score goals against the team who slapped our balls at the end of last season. I like Hollis, but I don’t want to give up my spot on first line for him. I want to be on the same line as Flip during the first game of the season, and I hope my game play tonight will help secure that.

“You’re coming out tonight.” Flip points an accusing finger at me. “We are celebrating the fuck out of this win.”

“Yeah, I’m coming out,” I agree.

“That wasn’t a question. You have zero excuses for getting out of shots tonight.” His smile is wide and infectious. “You play this hard during the season and teams will fight over you come contract time.”

“That’s the hope.” I want Toronto to renew. I want to keep playing for my home team and with my best friend. I want things to stay the same.

“And when we’ve slept off the hangover, you and I will run some drills with the guys tomorrow afternoon. We need some bro time. Get your gear off and get in the shower. You’re buying the first round.”