His nostrils flare as he inhales. “Fuck, I missed the way you smell.” He runs his hands down his thighs. “Sorry about what I did in front of the girls. I just saw you, and I wasn’t thinking, and I haven’t touched you in a week, and you look amazing, and yeah.”

“You can join me, Hemi, and Hammer in hell for corrupting poor little Tally.”

His eyes flare. “Why? What did you do to Tally? She’s not even eighteen.”

“We didn’t do anything. She’s been around for some NSFW conversations. Anyway…” I wave my hand. “Enough about that. Where are you taking me tonight?” I’m not ready to deal with the heavy stuff, yet.

“It’s called Scaramouche. I’ve never been there, but Dallas and Ashish said it’s a great place to take a date.” He pulls out of the spot and heads for the exit.

He stretches one arm across the back of my seat. “Is this okay?”

“Yeah, it’s okay.”

“I missed touching you,” he says.

“I missed you touching me,” I admit.

“How’s the new apartment? How have you been?”

“The new apartment is nice. Having a bedroom with a door obviously has perks, and I have my own bathroom, so I don’t have to worry about falling into the toilet in the middle of the night if I forget to make sure the seat is down.” Yup, we’re avoiding the hard stuff for now.

“Did that happen a lot when you were living with me and Flip?”

“A couple times. Falling into post-drinking pee-water has a way of sticking with you, though.” I tap my temple.

“That’s fucking gross.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Sounds like the move has been good for you. Better than living with me.” His thumb sweeps back and forth along the nape of my neck.

“Living with you had some perks.” I adjust my position so I can look at his profile.

He’s gorgeous. Just so pretty. And so filthy between the sheets. I remind my vagina that we are not letting him near her tonight, not after what happened last time. We need to deal with feelings first.

“And some pretty serious downsides,” he says softly.

I let that go for now. “How are you and Flip? Hammer said you two got into it during practice?”

Tristan frowns. “Haven’t you talked to him?”

“Not really. I’m pretty pissed at him, so I’m waiting on an official apology that isn’t him inviting me out for East Side’s in a text message. If we’re here, I guess you two have resolved your issues?” I motion between us.

“Roman, Hollis, Ashish, and Dallas mediated a conversation after we got into a fight on the ice, so yeah, Flip and I are okay. We did go behind his back for a lot of weeks. And he knows what I’m like.” His grip on the wheel tightens.

“So it’s fine for him to rail everyone else and post about it all over social media, but it’s not okay for his younger sister to get railed by one guy she’s hot for in private? It doesn’t matter if it’s vanilla sex or filthy sex, or anything in between, that’s my prerogative. I understand that he’s upset we went behind his back, but he can’t live in a land of double standards where what he does is okay and what I do isn’t.”

“I think it’s more that he knows I can be aggressive in bed.”

I can’t read his tone or his facial expression. “And if I wasn’t on board, we would not have continued to have sex,” I assure him. “And again, why is it fine for you to be aggressive with other women, but not with me, if it’s what I want? I refuse to be ashamed for liking what I like, even if it’s being fucked with a cucumber and then watching you eat it like a savage.” My thighs clench at the memory. We’re still circling the bigger issues, but one thing at a time.

He squeezes the back of my neck. “We should shift conversation gears if I want to get out of this car without ending up on the front page of the tabloids for rocking a public hard-on.”

“Good point.” Besides, jumping him in a public parking lot would garner a lot of attention neither of us needs. “How do you feel about the upcoming away series?”

He exhales a long, slow breath. “I’ll be starting on second line for the next few games, so not fantastic, to be honest.”

“Because you and Flip duked it out on the ice like man-babies, or because they still want to pull Hollis in the last period to make sure he’s still in peak condition?” I ask.

“More the latter than the former, but I sure didn’t help myself out by fighting with my teammate during practice.”

“Better practice than an actual game.”

“Yeah. Hollis is having a kickass season so far. I know it’s good for the team, but it messes with my head.”