A knock on the door has me panicking all over again. Hammer rushes to open it.

“Oh, hey, Daddy.” She twirls her ponytail around her finger. “Hi, Hollis. What’s up?”

“We thought we’d check in. Tristan mentioned a big date tonight, so I wasn’t sure if you’d be on your own for dinner.” Roman lifts a hand and waves. “I see your girl gang is all here and accounted for.”

“You look nice, Rix.” Hollis gives me the thumbs-up.

“Thanks, Hollis.”

“So do you Peggy, I mean Hammer.” Hollis’s gaze darts to Hammer and then around the room. “You all look nice.” He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. He crosses his arms, then uncrosses them and tucks his thumbs into his pockets.

There’s a collective murmured thanks from the girls.

“You could have texted,” Hammer says.

“We were on our way to the diner and thought we’d extend the invite. You’re all more than welcome to join us. Except you, Rix. I doubt Tristan will be all that inclined to share you.”

“That’s kind of a relief, actually.” The words are out before I think them through.

Hollis coughs into his elbow.

“That’s…yeah.” Roman nods.

Hemi snickers.

Tally looks confused, God bless her.

“Uh, we’re going to hang out and watch Chris Hemsworth movies, but thanks.” Hammer gives her dad an expectant look.

“Okay. Well, you girls have fun tonight.” They can’t seem to leave fast enough.

A minute later there’s another knock on the door. Hammer opens it enough that she can see through the crack. “Geez, Daddy, what now? Oh, hey, Tristan.”


“It annoys him,” Hammer explains as she opens the door.

Tristan stands on the threshold dressed in a blue suit. Not navy, but a deep royal blue. His shoes are black and polished. His shirt is pale pink, and his tie matches his shoes. He looks delicious, and I approve.

As soon as his eyes land on me, he strides across the room. He’s holding a bouquet of peonies in one hand. He stops about a foot away. “Hey.”


His free hand rises, and his fingertips skim the edge of my jaw until his pointer reaches the hollow behind my ear. His thumb follows the line of his fingers in reverse, traveling all the way to my other ear. His palm settles against my throat. He steps in closer until our faces are inches apart and his knee touches my thigh. His eyes are on my lips. “You look fucking gorgeous,” he murmurs.

“Wow. That’s some unreal chemistry,” Hammer says.

“Seriously,” Hemi agrees.

“Is he choking her?” Tally whispers.

Tristan drops his hand and steps back. “Sorry. Hi. You look amazing. I brought you flowers.” He thrusts them at me and glances toward the girls, who wear a mix of expressions. Tally looks scandalized, Hemi knowing, and Hammer seems envious.

“They’re beautiful. Thank you.” I bring them to my nose and inhale. “How did you get up here, anyway?”

“Hollis and Roman were going out as I was coming in. I probably should have texted. I didn’t think everyone would be here.” He gives the girls a constipated smile.

“They’re my support team.”

He bites the inside of his lip. “I don’t know that you needing a support team to get ready for a date with me is a good thing.”

“I’m nervous,” I admit. “It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date. And I’ve never been on a not-secret date with my brother’s best friend who was railing me on the downlow for two months until Flip found out. Just a lot of never-before-experienced variables.”

“That’s legit.” His tongue drags across his bottom lip. “I’m nervous, too. I’m probably better at railing you than I am dating you.”

“You’ve had a lot more practice railing me, so it makes sense you’d be better at it.” I pat his chest. “Should we give this whole date thing a fair shot? You can’t get better at it if you don’t try, right?”

“That’s some good logic.” He glances at the girls, who have taken front-row seats to all this awkwardness. He opens his mouth a couple of times, but nothing comes out.

“We see you, Tristan.” Hemi’s smile is downright evil.

He frowns. “I don’t know what that means.”

“Have a good time! But not too good a time!” Hammer winks.

Tally looks shellshocked. Poor thing. “We’ll put your flowers in water.”

“Thank you.” The girls come in for a hug and whisper words of encouragement.

I grab my purse and usher Tristan out the door.

Being alone with him in an elevator is a test of my restraint. We’re both used to deflecting feelings with sex. Thankfully, another couple joins us, so I don’t have to worry about humping his leg on the ride down. We do the polite, Canadian thing and talk about the weather.

Tristan is parked out front in the ten-minute spot. He opens the passenger door and holds out his hand. I slip mine into his and lift my dress, so it doesn’t get stuck in the door. Once I’m settled, he rounds the hood and drops into the driver’s seat.