“What do you want?” he growls.

“You,” I whimper, pumping my hand faster.

“To do what?” he moans.

It clicks into place. This is the whole experience thing, the age gap, but I know what he wants now. “I want you to come, Colt,” I moan.

He squeezes my ass, pulling me closer to him, his voice getting huskier. “Again.”

“I want you to come,” I tell him, moving my hand so fast now my arm is starting to ache, but nothing can stop me. His moans say so much. “Come, Colt. Please come. Please. Please.”

He almost howls when his come explodes out of him, spattering my hoodie. Then his huskiness turns into a hollow moan like he can’t make any noise, and everything in him focuses on the explosion I’m making. I keep pumping him until he can’t handle it anymore. Then he takes a step back, shuddering.

I stare down as his dick gets hard again. He laughs savagely. “I told you, Lexi. You’re irresistible.” He looks at me as if silently asking whether I’ll go all the way here. Then he reads me and sees I meant it. I can’t, not yet. “We should keep walking before I lose control.”

I smile, nodding. “Okay, yeah, but was that okay?”

He puts his hands up, steps forward, then leans down and kisses me. It’s an almost gentle kiss, but there’s an undercurrent to it like, at any moment, he could snap. “You never have to ask me that,” he says fiercely. “Everything you do is perfect, Lexi. You’re perfect.”

I lean forward, initiating the kiss this time.



Considering I only slept three hours, I’m nowhere near as tired as I should be. As I drive to the gym, I think about last night—well, earlier, really. I think about the walk, the hotness that had me so hard, then after, the peaceful walk back to the car, the quiet drive. It felt like we were a couple already.

I pull up outside the gym, climbing out of my car. Luca’s just getting out of his, too, his bag resting on the roof. He grabs a water bottle from the car, then looks up and sees me. He playfully holds a hand up as he approaches me.

“Don’t go for me,” he says. “I know you’re probably pissed.”

“Pissed?” I say, with a smile on my lips.

He tilts his head at me. “The whole Dante thing…”

I laugh. All of that seems so far away. Even when I think of last night, it’s difficult to focus on anything except the drive, the walk, everything—my Lexi. She said she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her future, but I could sense it in her, feel it in her body.

“But you’re laughing,” Luca says as if he needs to say it aloud to confirm it’s really happening.

“Seems so, Luca. Seems so.”

“Are you high, Colt? The hell is this?”

“High?” I laugh again. “All those times you asked me to come out, what did I say?”

“Maybe somebody’s drugged you then.”

“You did what you had to do, Luca. Anyway, Dante told me you vouched for me.”

“Big brother likes the rules,” Luca says as we head toward the gym. “I shouldn’t complain. It’s the way this Family keeps running. I’m the wild dog, and he’s the one with a plan.”

“You’re more than that,” I tell him.

Luca switches on the radio and the lights as I walk to the corner and lay my bag down. I start lightly jogging on the spot, rolling my shoulders repeatedly.

“What has you so pumped?” Luca asks as he warms up slowly, too.

It suddenly occurs to me what telling Luca would mean and its implications. What if he tells Ruby? Does Lexi want people to know? If one day, I marry Lexi—I can’t even believe my mind is going there—I’ll be his family, sort of in a roundabout way.


I jab the air as I do some sidesteps up and down, trying not to let him see the sudden tension in my body. I try to throw my hands looser, but it’s hard— exhaustion combined with the way Luca’s looking over at me.

“You’re hiding something. Not good for a Family man.”

“This isn’t Family business,” I tell him.

“Still, you want to say something?”

“Do I?”

He smirks. “Or you can play games. I don’t need to know why you’re happy as long as you can be mean when necessary.”

“Speaking of mean…”

“Nothing from our friends in blue,” Luca says, shrugging. “Your old friend is still out there.”

I cringe, but don’t let Luca see. He’s talking about Eduardo. “He was just a kid when it went down,” I say, thinking of all the lives I took, the executions, never doubting a single one.

“We’re doing good work with those snakes,” Luca says. “You and Dante did well.”

“He’s a good man. I had my doubts. I was wondering if he was playing on those doubts. Then I saw what he did—quick, efficient work.”