Page 7 of Cry Havoc

Assuming that I ever really knew her at all.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask finally.

“It isn’t obvious?” She gives a humorless laugh, her expression almost pitying as she studies me. “Let’s play a game. You be me and I’ll be you.”

“How could you possibly want—”

She interrupts me with a raised finger. “Olivia has a sextape floating around that literally everyone has seen.” A second finger goes up. “Olivia got humiliated by a guy that everyone thinks tricked her into loving him.” She puts up a third finger — her middle one — as the others go down. “Olivia has spent the last four months making a complete fool of herself. All thanks to you, by the way. Why the hell would I want to be her?”

Guilt and anger war for dominance inside me. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I always tried to do the right thing. She should be able to see that. Right?

“I did all of this for you.”

An angry frown twists her lips as she stares me down. “And just like always, it never occurred to you to consider what I might actually want…or the consequences of barreling into my life uninvited. Just like always, you’re a speeding train going fully off the rails.”

“This is wrong.”

She flips her hair over her shoulder as she heads for the door. “This particular train has left the station, sis. You’re either along for the ride or tied down on the tracks.”

I open my mouth to say something when we’re interrupted.

“Holy shit!”

It’s the sound of food containers crashing to the floor, more than her shouted curses, that makes my gaze swing to the open doorway. Anya stands there, her shocked gaze swinging from me to Olivia and back again. Her mouth moves a couple times with no other sounds coming out of it.

My sister barely spares her a glance, still staring at me as if silently asking, what are you going to do?

“This is my sister,” I say, infusing my voice with a sweetness that makes my teeth hurt. After all, Olivia has always been the sweet one. “Anya meet Evangeline.”

Olivia’s face transforms as she turns toward Anya. The dead look in her eyes is replaced by something mischievous. “Great to finally meet you. I’ve heard wonderful things.”

Anya’s gaze pings between us like she is watching a tennis match before finally settling on me. “You never told me you have a twin.”

“She doesn’t talk about me much,” Olivia says, a pout forming on her full lips.

Anya gives an awkward laugh. “You two look so much alike. It’s crazy. If not for the hair and the tattoos, I don’t think I’d be able to tell you apart.”

“I know, right?” Olivia’s lips lift in a mocking smile. “Although, Via is going to get frown lines if she doesn’t smile more. That’ll help you tell us apart.”


“Our friends call us Via and Gigi,” Olivia explains, casting me a sly glance. “You are friends, right?”

I rush to answer because Anya looks visibly uncomfortable. “Of course we are.”

Biting her lip, Anya attempts a smile that wilts a little around the edges. “Those are really cool tattoos. I’ve always wanted to get something done, but I’m a total baby about pain.”

“I’ll give you the name of my artist. He does great work.” Olivia slides her hand down the flowers and vines inked along her upper arm. The black detailing is faded enough that she couldn’t have had them done too recently, the surrounding skin completely healed.

How long has she been awake?

Inwardly, I seethe. Those are my tattoos, unique designs that had been specially done by my favorite artist at the collective in Detroit. If I’d been asked at any other point, I would have happily encouraged my twin sister to get a matching set. The thought never crossed my mind that Ms. Goody Two Shoes would have ever let someone permanently mark her skin. I would have loved to share my body art with her.

But this isn’t sharing. This is stealing.

“Well, I’m off to get settled. Moving in at the last minute is such a bitch.” Olivia flicks her fingers at me in a little wave. “I might be too busy for any more little chats.”

With a defeated feeling, I realize Olivia has no intention of helping Drake. Why would she when she already has what she wants?