Olivia purses lips slathered in cherry-red lip gloss. “The Mandarin is fully booked up because so many people from St. Bart’s reserved rooms there already. I guess you could stay somewhere near the airport.”
But Anya’s cheerful facade doesn’t break “Don’t worry about us. My sister’s best friend works there as an event manager. I’m sure she can find us something if I call in a favor. Hotels always leave a few rooms empty for last-minute VIPs.”
Olivia blinks once, her mouth turned down in an obvious frown. Then her face changes, expression brightening like this whole thing was her idea. “Awesome. Maisie will text you the name of the spa and we can meet there.”
Anya returns the megawatt smile with an identical one of her own. “Can’t wait.”
Olivia turns on her heel and strides away, leaving a whiff of designer perfume.
I turn back to Anya with a sigh. “You really didn’t have to do that.”
“Do what? Defend you against a total mean girl? Jeez, I know she’s your sister, but I have to call it like I see it. Asking me to hang this weekend right in front of you was just rude. No wonder you never told me about her if that’s usually how she treats you.” Anya takes a huge bite of her omelet and chews on it angrily, obviously still offended on my behalf. “Serena and Maisie are already working my last nerve with their shit. I am so ready this thing.”
“I never said I was going.”
“You are now, unless you want them to think they chased you away.” Anya takes a sip of her mineral water, expression smug. “Either we go or the bitches win. It’s basically our civic duty at this point. Right, Felicia?”
“The Magna Carta was created in 1215…” Felicia looks up when she realizes both of us are staring at her. “Huh?”
“Just say yes,” Anya tells her.
“But I didn’t hear—”
“Just say yes.”
“Will you stop talking and let me study if I do?”
“Fine, then yes.”
Anya turns to me with a triumphant look on her face. “See. We’re all agreed. This is going to be great.”
I open my mouth to tell her that I have to talk to Drake about it first because Havoc House will definitely have something planned and I’m technically still a pledge. Then I close it again. This is the same Drake who didn’t bother to reach out to me all weekend.
“Let’s do it.” I cover my ears to protect my eardrums from Anya’s loud squeal. “But only if we skip the spa day and just go to the service.”
But Anya just shakes her head. “Not a chance. You think I’m going to let those bitches stroll into the service looking like runway models. We also need to go shopping, I have nothing in black.”
Felicia closes her book with a loud sigh. “I’m not going to be able to afford any of this.”
“It’s on me,” Anya assures her. “The money is worth it just to see the look on Serena’s stupid face. Did I tell you that she won’t let anyone else where platinum jewelry because it’s apparently her thing? I’m buying myself some new earrings just to spite her.”
My father might have told me he turned my credit card back on, but I haven’t tried it for a large purchase yet. I’m not sure I want the first time to be when I’m surrounded by the most judgmental girls on campus. He cut me off financially so long ago that it’s hard to believe he was being honest.
Not that I should doubt him. The credit cards are my bribe for keeping my mouth shut, a bribe that Olivia seems to have no problem accepting for herself.
It’s easy to make good on your debts when you’re paying with blood money.
“You know what,” I say. “The spa is my treat.”
Chapter Twenty
The salon is as fancy as they come. As soon as we walk in the door, an attendant sweeps forward with a tray of champagne flutes and a bright smile on her face.
“Finally,” Anya exclaims, practically lunging for the tray. “I’ve been waiting for this since we left campus.”
“You must be with the other young ladies. Come right this way,” the attendant gushes as she leads us further into the salon. “We have a private area set up for you.”