Page 55 of Cry Havoc

I exchange a glance with Cole as I set the glass down on the table. Even I thought that Nolan only cared about keeping Brady happy as a way to increase his own standing. Maybe it really was true love after all.

The school administration has excused us from classes for a few days to mourn. Apparently, seeing someone die is enough to get you excused from classes.

Which means it’s 2 p.m. on a Monday and we’re still sitting around drinking like we have been for the last two days.

The house has been empty all weekend. No parties or random hangouts. We even kicked out the pledges and underclassman. Anybody who doesn’t actually live in the house was not so kindly asked to piss off.

All so we could sit around drinking and reminiscing about Brady fucking Caldwell.

Six months ago, I wouldn’t be sitting here like a total downer. Cole and Vaughn didn’t particularly care about Brady. They’re here because neither of them scoffed at a chance to drink the excellent whiskey that the guy left behind. Nolan has completely broken down.

But I have no idea how I feel.

What the hell happened to me?

The answer: Evangeline Pratt. Before I met her, nothing about this maudlin display would have stood out as odd to me. I definitely wouldn’t be suspecting foul play because I used to be too selfish to think about anything but my position in Havoc House.

Now, I’m thinking that I should have searched upstairs or at least watched to see who came down after Brady fell. I see conspiracies and secrets where there used to be only a good time.

I glance down at my phone. No new notifications from Gigi, not that I expected there to be. Lying to her was a dick move, I know that. But I don’t know what else I can offer her aside from a heartfelt apology. It sucks, but I just have to wait for her to decide whether she’s willing to forgive me.

My gaze moves around the room again, studying the faces of the guys who should be closer than brothers to me. Nolan stares morosely into his glass like whiskey and melted ice holds all of life’s secrets. Cole is playing on his phone, the half-smile on his face making me think he is probably texting with some chick. And Vaughn…

“Where is Vaughn?” I ask in surprise, looking around. I could have sworn he was just here.

Cole barely glances up. “He isn’t here?”

Vaughn has been existing in the background since he came back from winter break, practically skulking in corners and popping up when no one was expecting him. You’d think a guy in a cast wouldn’t be able to move so quietly. He’s never been the chattiest guy in the world, but for the past week it seems like he hasn’t spoken a single word unless someone addresses him directly.

“Vaughn…” Nolan cries, a quaver in his voice. “Where are you?”

“I had to take a piss.” A peevish face appears around the corner first as he limps back into the room. “My leg is in a cast, you idiots. Everything takes longer than it should.”

My gaze immediately moves down to the black walking cast that comes up to his knee. It’s the type made of plastic and foam that can be unstrapped and removed. Mostly, he doesn’t seem to have much trouble maneuvering around with it.

“Be careful with that cast on the stairs,” Cole says drily before taking a sip of his beer.

Silence immediately falls as I choke back a reaction that is part laugh and part groan.

Vaughn just stares at Cole with narrowed eyes. “I think it’s a little soon for jokes.”

Cole’s gaze lingers on the cast. “I’m just reminding you to be careful.”

Something strange passes between them I don’t understand. Cole is the one who looks away first.

“Speaking of, we’ve got to decide what we’re doing for Brady,” Vaughn says.

I ignore a flash of annoyance. “A funeral isn’t enough?”

“We’re Havoc House, you know that. All eyes are going to be on us. We need to show the alumni what we’re made of. Make sure they know that we’re ready for the Initiation.”

“By having a party?” I ask sardonically.

“By making sure that the alumni know it’s still business as usual around here. Brady fell down the stairs on our watch. We were told to chase a girl away, and we made her a pledge instead. Nothing about this year has gone the way it was supposed to go.” Vaughn limps to a chair and lowers himself into a chair, posture relaxed. “If we’re not careful, they’ll take all of this away from us. We have to make it to the Initiation.”

“Plenty of alumni are going to be at Brady’s service,” Cole points out. “We just need to make sure that we show them a united front.”

“We should bring everyone,” Vaughn insists. “The underclassman, the pledges, definitely all the seniors. Everybody needs to see us. All of us. Even invite some students from St. Bart’s so that every seat in the chapel is full. Really show them what it means to be a part of Havoc House.”