Page 47 of Cry Havoc

Drake’s smile is sardonic as he climbs on the bike. “I figured you would be.”

Chapter Fifteen

The house is more crowded than it’s been in months.

I’ve been so focused on other things that I let myself forget just how many members of Havoc House there really are. This year’s senior class is the smallest we’ve had in years. The following classes are significantly larger, enough that it seems like I barely know most of them.

As much as Gigi acted like she was ready to do this, I know it has to be overwhelming. She doesn’t show any nervousness as she steps through the front door. But when I reach her side, I sense the slight tremor that moves through her body.

I ignore the looks we get as I escort her into the living room. The other guys can keep their opinions to themselves or suffer the consequences.

“Can’t turn a hoe into a housewife,” Nolan murmurs softly as I take a seat beside him on the couch.

He doesn’t say it loud enough for her to hear, but that isn’t really the point.

I turn toward her in a sudden movement, my elbow cocked out an angle, so it plants directly in his solar plexus. “You want a drink?”

She looks suspiciously from me to Nolan, who is doubled over and gasping for air. “Sure.”

“Actually, would you mind grabbing something for us? I need to talk to Nolan.” I give her a winning smile as her eyes narrow. “Bar is set up in the kitchen like usual. I really appreciate it, baby.”

I turn to Nolan once she is out of earshot. “We’re not doing that.”

He has the nerve to look innocent. “Doing what?”

“Being shitty because Havoc Boys did a bad thing to a girl, and she has the nerve to still show her face afterward. No slut shaming allowed.”

“It isn’t shaming to point out that your new girlfriend is definitely a slut. We have the proof on tape.”

My eyes narrow on him. It’s a dangerous look, but he is already too drunk to pick up on it. “I didn’t realize that every girl you’ve been with has been a vestal virgin. That explains why they move on so quickly.”

“None of them were involved in a Havoc Initiation, I can tell you that,” he scoffs, obviously missing the implied insult in his inebriated haze.

Nolan has been gnawing at my last nerve for months. I’ve been trying to ignore how he crawls after Brady like an eager puppy. But whenever I remember he was the one who played that video, it’s difficult to overcome my urge to do physical violence.

My hand comes up to rest on the back of his neck, not quite squeezing. Not yet. “Maybe you’re not understanding me. You say anything else I don’t like about her — I even get the impression you’re thinking something negative — and I will make you pay for it.”

His eyes roll so hard they nearly fall out of his head. “You cannot be serious.”

“Sounds like you’ve forgotten which one of is president.” I squeeze down hard, tendons snapping under my fingers. He tries to wrench away from me, but my grip is like iron. “Even your pal Brady won’t be able to help if I decide you’re not getting Initiated. Those are the rules, remember?”

He frantically looks around for help, but the other guys in the room either aren’t paying attention or make the smart decision not to intervene.

Cole watches us from across the room. I meet his gaze and he only shrugs in response.

Nolan makes a wheezing sound of pain. “Yeah, man. I get it. Sorry.”

“Apology accepted. Don’t let it happen again.”

When I let him go, Nolan jerks away with a gasp. “Jesus, all this over a girl. Relax.”

Gigi picks that moment to return with a beer in each hand. “Everything okay?”

I accept the bottle she hands me with a smile. “Everything is perfect.”

Nolan shakes his head and rubs the ache out of his neck, but says nothing.

Her gaze cuts to Nolan for a second before she settles in beside me, briefly bumping my shoulder with hers. She was gone way longer than it takes to get some beers from the fridge, so she must have heard at least part of our conversation.