Page 42 of Cry Havoc

I study the tight-lipped expression on his face, the sunken quality of his eyes. “You knew she was coming, didn’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just needed some air.” He doesn’t look at me when he says it because he knows I’ll see the lie in his eyes. “In fact, I think I’m just going to hobble back to the house.”

Totally taking advantage of the fact that he still can’t move quickly, I slide in front of him to block his exit. “Just tell me the truth, man. I’ve had enough secrets to last a lifetime.”

“There isn’t anything to talk about. I don’t know what you want.”

What do I want? At one point, I thought I wanted truth no matter what it would mean to get it. Then I’d been forced to face the consequences of gambling with my own future.

With a sigh, I step to the side to let him pass. “Please, just tell me that whatever is going on won’t come back to bite us in the ass.”

I fully expect Vaughn to take advantage of the reprieve, but he doesn’t walk away. Instead, he looks at me with an expression full of an emotion I can’t identify. “The last time I spoke to her, she told me she never wanted to see me again. So no, I had no idea that she’d come back here.”

“And you don’t plan to ask her why she came back? Or why she is pretending to be her sister?” I ask, unable to keep a note of sarcasm from my voice.

“If Evangeline wants to talk to me, then she will.”

“What was she like before?” I ask, genuinely curious. “I don’t think I said more than two words to her last year.”

“Sweet. Quiet. I don’t know…different.” He gets a wistful sort of look on his face before his mouth settles back into a grim line. “Doesn’t matter. She isn’t the same as she used to be. None of us are.”

“It’s an interesting coincidence that you disappeared last week. I had to hear from Nolan that you weren’t coming back until classes started.” I keep my voice carefully neutral as I watch his expression. “Especially since that was right after I told you she’d been pregnant.”

Vaughn makes a repressive sound. His gaze moves down the empty hallway before returning to my face. “We’re not talking about this anymore.”

“It really seems like something must have happened.”

His eyes narrow as he studies me. “And where were you over the weekend, Drake?”

Vaughn’s grandfather is the senior-most member of the alumni, the one that all the others answer to. It’s entirely possible that Vaughn heard about my arrest. If he didn’t, then it probably isn’t something that would be smart for me to share.

Except, why the fuck would he be asking if he doesn’t already know?

We stare at each other. The hallway is still mostly empty, but people are slowly filtering out of the dining hall. We don’t have completely privacy here, assuming we could get that anywhere at St. Bart’s.

“See,” he says softly. “We all have secrets we’d prefer to keep.”

At the moment, it doesn’t feel like I’m talking to my best friend. We’re like two worthy foes meeting on the battlefield, with neither of us willing make the first move.

There is definitely something he isn’t telling me.

But I already decided to let this shit go. I need to be done playing Magnum P.I., because nothing good will come of it.

If you start growing a conscience again, just remember what you have to lose.

“There is going to be a party at the house this weekend.” I clap him on the back, grinning in a way that I hope doesn’t look forced. “We’ll have to find something to distract you with.”

Vaughn rolls his eyes, but still cracks a humorless smile. “I’m sure Nolan will make sure at least a few girls are blitzed out of their minds. Can’t wait.”

“That’s the spirit.” I level him with a more serious look. “You sure you’re good?”

“Nope.” A strange note enters his voice. “But I will be.”

Chapter Fourteen

For the next two days, I almost convince myself things are back to some version of normal. Even though I haven’t officially declared a major, I finally convinced Ms. Henney to change my schedule, so it includes more classes that I actually care about. It’s enough to make me feel like a real college student, instead of just an empty vessel of revenge.

I’ve given up trying to talk to Olivia. Every time I get close, she either pretends that I don’t exist or makes a big deal about how she is much too busy for even the quickest conversation. I don’t need her to humiliate me in front of her new friends any more than she already has.