I take a bite of yogurt and force myself to swallow it. “You think? I’ve never really seen the resemblance.”
She gives me a funny look, like it takes a second for her to get the joke. “It must have been impossible to tell you two apart when you were kids.”
“You just had to wait for one of us to start talking,” I reply drolly. “Gigi was always the one to open her mouth first.”
“And I thought you made an impact when you first showed up here. I guess rocking the boat just runs in your family.”
The words echo similarly to what Anya said earlier. “Apparently.”
Olivia’s laugh is loud enough to grate on my nerves worse than nails on a chalkboard. I force myself to put any awareness of her from my mind and focus on the breakfast that I don’t want to eat.
I recognize that ability to own a room, to stroll in like you’re queen of the universe with all eyes on you.
It used to belong to me.
Casting me a sympathetic glance, Felicia gathers up her stuff. “My first class starts in ten minutes. I’ll see you at lunch.”
I barely manage a wave as she stands, too wrapped up in my own misery.
The double doors slam open, diverting my attention. I’m not the only one who turns to look. For a moment, silence descends as conversation stops and everyone turns toward the noise.
Drake stands in the open doorway like a conquering prince. His narrow-eyed gaze surveys the room, oblivious of the attention that he is attracting. He takes in the loudest table in the room where Olivia is holding court for a few brief moments. The widening of his eyes is the only reaction he allows himself before his attention moves on.
Our gazes meet.
The laser focus of his intent feels like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Even from across the room, heat flares between us. The smoldering look that he casts me as he weaves between the tables is not the one you give a girl that you’re supposed to hate.
I hear Felicia’s gasp of shock before his face fills my vision.
Shock freezes me in place as Drake slides into the seat beside me. His hands cup my face, firmly enough that I can’t pull away even if it occurred to me to try.
His lips capture mine in a searing kiss. He kisses me like he wants the entire world to see it, like he is staking a claim. Maybe it’s just the surprise, or relief, but I momentarily forget that we have an audience.
“I guess we’re not hiding anymore,” I say as he pulls away.
The smile he gives me shines brighter than the overhead lights. “No, we’re not.”
Chapter Eleven
Olivia Pratt is back at St. Bart’s.
But I’m finding it hard to remember why I should give a shit.
Maybe there’s still some residual relief from walking out of that police station. Maybe it’s seeing Evangeline and Felicia having breakfast in the dining hall, both of them safe and sound.
Seeing the Olivia acting like the newly crowned Queen Bee of St. Bart’s, especially after the shit she pulled last night, just brought it all home for me.
This girl is not a victim. Not anymore, assuming she ever was. She is either a distraction or a weapon.
Maybe I should be more concerned, but nothing about her sudden appearance surprises me. I should have known that the alumni would have never gotten involved with this unless something very strange was going on. They have to know she’s here. The only question is whether the alumni are in on the masquerade, or just the sisters and their father.
I remind myself again that I don’t have to care.
If the truth ever comes out, hopefully Evangeline will understand.
It takes most of the day before I can get Gigi alone again. The annoying part of it is that I’m pretty sure that she is deliberately avoiding me.
After that kiss in the dining hall, she practically jumped out of her own skin and ran, giving me some excuse about being late for class when I knew for a fact none of them started for at least thirty more minutes.