Page 6 of Cry Havoc

This is so much bigger than a few frat bros getting themselves in trouble. It’s bigger than one girl being abandoned in the woods.

The truth about Havoc House is bigger than everything.

“I’ll ensure that your tuition is paid in full and you have a modest allowance for incidental expenses. Both Olivia and Evangeline Pratt have already been enrolled for this term. The two of you can work out any additional details, I’m sure.” My father’s gaze moves around the suite with obvious distaste as he takes in the shabby furniture and industrial gray walls. “Please take this as a genuine warning. You have no idea just how bad things can get if you keep putting your nose into places where it absolutely does not belong.”

Something in his tone makes me look at him. Really, look at him. I’d been focused on the surprise of his appearance and his threats. So I hadn’t noticed the tension that knit his brows together and put that strain in his voice.

“I want the truth.”

“Truth doesn’t exist,” he responds simply. “There is no such thing as objective truth. Everyone has their own story. Just because those stories conflict doesn’t mean that one is any more truthful than the other.”

“That sounds like a great excuse to justify your lies.”

“As if you’re such a paragon of virtue,” he replies tightly. “You’ve been lying to everyone here since the moment you arrived, or is that not equivalent because you believe you’re doing the right thing? Hypocrisy is not an admirable trait, my dear.”

“I am not a hypocrite,” I seethe.

Olivia snorts, the sound low enough that I almost convince myself I imagined it. I can’t bring myself to try reasoning with her, not when it’s so obvious that she and my father are on the same side.

How can she not care?

I give my father one more chance to do the right thing.

“After what happened to your own daughter, you really want to just let it all go?”

Some unknowable emotion flickers in the depths of his eyes. It almost looks like regret. Then his expression clears and he gives me the same look of disdain I’m accustomed to.

“You act as if any of us have been given a choice,” he says finally.

I want him to ask him what he means by that, but he doesn’t give me a chance. My father abruptly turns on his heel and leaves the suite.

My gaze swings to Olivia, even though it hurts a little bit to look at her. “You don’t have to protect them. I’m on your side. You don’t have to do this…to pretend. Please tell me what happened last year. I want to hear it.”

“That has always been your problem. You jump right in before you even have any idea what is actually happening.” Olivia strokes the afghan throw lying over the back of the couch, expression sardonic. “You heard Dad. I don’t remember what happened. Even if I did, you’re the last person I’d talk to about it.”

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I know we’ve grown apart, that we’re more like casual acquaintances at this point than sisters. In the back of my mind, I’d always assumed that if I just got another chance, then I could set things right with her.

“What about Drake?” I ask, hating how plaintive I sound.

Her voice is sarcastic. “What about him?”

“Dad just said that you would recant the statement you made and get him out of jail if I play along.”

She backs out of the suite and surveys the empty hallway. “Pretty sure Dad just left, so I don’t see any pressing reason to help you.”

“I’m begging you to help him.” The words taste like ash in my mouth as I spit them out. “Please.”

“I don’t want you to beg,” she replies. “I want you to leave.”


“Leave St. Bart’s and I’ll get Drake out of jail.” Her gaze is full of challenge as she studies me. “What do you say?”

I don’t give myself a chance to think it over, because I might just agree if I do. “No fucking way.”

“Have it your way,” she replies, sounding bored. Her arms stretch over her head as she gives an exaggerated yawn. “Classes start on Monday and I really need to get settled in. I can’t wait to see what people make about Evangeline Pratt.”

The first stirrings of fear surge through me. As I stare her down, I finally realize that this person standing in front of me isn’t anything close to who I thought she was.