Page 20 of Cry Havoc

I watch her go with a sinking, lightheaded feeling. It’s as if the world has tilted on its axis and started spinning in the wrong direction. I don’t even know which way is up anymore.

The two of us haven’t been friends in years.

I’m finally willing to believe that we somehow became enemies.

* * *

By the end of day, I’ve figured out that Olivia managed to enroll in every single one of my classes. I don’t know how she did it and I definitely don’t understand why, but she was there for every single one of them.

Every time I walked into a room, she was sitting in the center of the room like the Queen of fucking Sheba. When I would skirt past her to a seat in the back, she doesn’t bother to look at me, even though I see the smirk on her face.

There isn’t a repeat of our first confrontation because I don’t force her to acknowledge me. What would be the point? I’ve been embarrassed enough for one day.

Instead, I spend the entire morning staring at the back of her head and wondering how the hell I managed to make this much of a mess out of my life.

I’ve never felt this alone in my entire life.

With Drake gone, I don’t even have anyone to talk to about all this. Anya is as caught in Olivia’s orbit as everyone else seems to be. The only thing keeping her on my side is a vague sense of guilt that will eventually erode into nothing. I caught a brief sighting of Felicia rushing to one of her classes, but she was moving too fast for me to attempt catching up with her.

When our English Lit professor asks for a volunteer to hand out the syllabus, Olivia is the first person out of her seat. She sashays down the rows with a stack of stapled pages in her arms, placing one on every desk as she passes.

Except for mine.

I’m forced to raise my hand and ask for a copy, interrupting the lecture, much to the professor’s annoyance.

The bullying is childish, but it has its intended effect. Olivia has made it absolutely clear where we stand.

To her, I basically don’t exist.

Instead of going to lunch, I wait in line at the registrar’s office with every intention of changing my schedule. I don’t know what Olivia is trying to accomplish, if she even has a plan outside of making me miserable, but I’m not going to sit back and just take it. No matter how guilty I feel.

It takes the better part of an hour for me to reach the front of the line. Apparently, half of the student body is having some sort of problem with their schedule.

The elderly woman sitting behind the desk barely glances at me over her bifocals before delivering the bad news.

“What do you mean, it’s too late?” I ask through clenched teeth.

She looks back up at me, seeming surprised that I’m still standing there. “No changes can be made to schedules after the first class meeting without the permission of an academic advisor.”

“Well, can I talk to one of them?”

Pursing thin lips, she flips through a large calendar next to her. “Have you declared a major?”


“Then the next available appointment won’t be until March.”

Pretty sure either Olivia or I will push the other one into a shallow grave by then.

I push a paper copy of my schedule across the desk. “I’m literally willing to take any classes except for these. Please tell me there is something you can do.”

With a heavy sigh, she spares the barest glance at my schedule before shaking her head. “Since you haven’t declared a major, you have lowest priority for course selections. At this point, everything you meet the prerequisites for is full.”

“Everything can’t be full.”

“I suggest you make course selections with more care in the future.” Her gaze shifts behind me to the long line and raises an eyebrow. “I’ll put you on the waitlist for a sooner appointment with an advisor.”

She gestures for the next person in line to move forward, effectively dismissing me.