She watches me carefully. “It is crazy that you don’t remember anything about that night.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“You really don’t have any theories?” she presses. “Not even one?”
A thrill of premonition moves up my spine. I’d like to think the questions are for assuaging her curiosity, but it could be something more.
“Like I said, the whole night is one big blank.”
“That’s crazy.” The television is still playing behind her, though she has the volume muted. Strange colors from the screen flash eerily across her face in the dark.
Then Anya gives me a smile that actually seems genuine. I wish I knew whether I can trust her or not.
“I know we weren’t super close last year, but you just seem so different. Whatever happened definitely made you stronger.”
I allow myself the slightest smile. “Oh, you have no idea.”
When I say goodnight and turn back to my room, she speaks up from behind me one more time.
“Hey, what’s that?”
The paperwork I’d stuck in my pocket is on the ground near the couch. It must have fallen out when I walked in.
Anya snatches the papers up before I can get to them. “Are these test results, or something?”
I stalk across the room and gently pull the papers out of her hand before she can look at them too closely. “Yep, you can never be too safe.”
“You don’t really think you have an STD, do you?” she asks, eyes wide. “We have to share a bathroom.”
“It doesn’t work that way, but no. I’m totally clean.”
“Oh, good. Make sure to wrap it up so you stay that way. There is no telling where the guys around here have been.”
I doubt truer words have ever been spoken.