“I thought you hated this place,” I say, putting as much ice into my voice as possible. I keep my face completely still. I refuse to give him any more chances to hurt me.
“I thought I’d give it a second chance.” He puts his hands in his pockets and hunches his shoulders a little. Is he nervous? What the hell is this?
I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from snapping at him. I can’t completely go off, not with customers watching. “I don’t have time for this. Why are you really here?”
Cody freezes, like he wasn’t expecting me to be unhappy with him, which is some kind of arrogance. The person in line behind him taps on his shoulder. “Look, buddy, can you hurry it up? I need to get to a meeting.” Michael’s right on time. At seven fifty he always comes in for an americano and an almond croissant.
“Just another second, please,” Cody says, his confidence returning as he gives Michael a smile. His eyes stay on me, though. “I need to talk to my mate.”
My heart nearly stops. “What?” A goofy smile comes to my face as my heart starts back up again, pounding fast. Can it be?
Cody leans on the counter, getting closer to my eye level. “You’re my mate. It took me far too long to realize it. I’m so sorry, I was a complete jerk. Even if we weren’t fated for each other, I was a jerk.”
He’s so earnest, I can feel myself starting to blush. But I’m not some teenager he can win over with a quick apology. “Why say all of that if you didn’t mean it? Why act like that?”
Julie opens the other register to get Michael his coffee, but he’s the only one actually still ordering anything. The other customers are riveted by Cody’s confession, there are even some tearing up. Even Julie is sneaking glances at us out of the corner of her eye.
He looks away, expression clouding. “There’s no good excuse. I’ve been alone for so long, been hurt too much, I was living life with my eyes closed. No woman has ever made me feel the way you do. With you, I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”
“What about your job?” I ask. My chest hurts, I can’t believe this. He’s saying all the right things. I want it, but I can’t stand to have it yanked away again. “I’m sure all those cases have been plenty engaging.”
He laughs, smile turning wry. “Are you kidding? I’ve been a complete mess. My reports are full of mistakes, I can’t focus on cases, all I can think about is you.” His golden eyes are shining, almost too much to look at. “My life is worth living, but only if you’re in it.”
“Okay,” I say, taking a breath to steady myself. “Thank you for your apology.” I walk around the counter, taking my time. His face is a mix of hope and nerves, golden eyes wide, lips trembling. I can’t believe a dragon is this worked up over me.
Our lips meet and it’s perfect bliss, everything I’ve been missing since he left. I’m vaguely aware of people clapping, but I can’t bring myself to care. Cody and I are together again, and everything feels right.
My hands skim the length of Lori’s body before the door closes. Her eyes are clear and warm as they meet mine. The bold blue, spilling over with care, need, love. I could drown in the way she looks at me.
I curse myself for not seeing it before.
For running.
For almost losing her.
My skin heats as her slender fingers wrap around my neck. I grip her chin between my fingers and press my lips to hers, gently, reverently. I graze the soft skin of her bottom lips with mine, taking my time to taste her, learn her.
I devour her soft pants. Cradling the back of her neck, I open her mouth to mine, deepening the kiss.
“I missed you,” I murmur, running my tongue along the seam of her pink swollen lips.
Her tongue darts out, tracing the trial I left. “You don’t have to anymore.”
The seductive dip in her voice goes straight to my cock. “No, I don't,” I growl.
My thumb traces over a puckered nipple. She gasps and I bring my mouth down on her neck. Her soft flesh melts beneath my lips as she cries out. I want to lick and kiss every inch of her skin. To mark her. Claim her.
Lust fills my shaft as I rip her shirt over her head and yank her pants down. Her fingers spread over my chest and I groan, my dick jumping at the contact. I practically tear my own off, too consumed with bridging the frustrating distance between us.
The moment we’re naked I wrap my hands around the back of her thighs and hike her up to my waist. She wraps her legs around me as I turn, pressing her back against the front door. Her breast smashes against my chest. I roll my hips into her core, and my hard dick presses treacherously close to her heat, barely slipping against her folds.
Shit, she's soaked.
Her voice is a plea. “Cody…”