“Fuck,” I say, ineloquently. “You feel so amazing.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” There is that patented Lori humor. How did I ever survive without it?
The heat in the lake house has ratcheted up thanks to the midday sun and our bodies together. Sweat trickles down my back and between Lori’s breasts. I push my head between them and lick at her skin to chase it. It makes my dragon go wild, this primal, animal act that we do.
She pushes her chest out and I take her nipple into my mouth, licking and teasing with my tongue. Her skin tastes of lakewater and the sour twist of her sweat, and I love it. The sounds she makes and the taste of her are something I never thought I would get to have. I count myself as the luckiest dragon in the world.
As she grinds down, my cock hits that spot inside her that makes her gasp and moan. I hit the pad of it, the squishiness of her inside. All it takes is one thrust up and Lori comes with a gasp. She shudders around me, pulling my own orgasm out of me. It is nothing short of bliss.
She kisses me even more fiercely than before.
“Mm,” she says, breathless. “That was nice.”
She sits on me, both of us catching our breath. I am still inside her, her softness holding me in. I am still harder, growing harder, my refractory period almost nil. Judging by the wicked smile on her face, she can feel it too. She’s special, my dragon is telling me. I try to push it out of my mind. This is purely professional.
“Oh, hello.” She captures my lips in another kiss.
I cannot deny it any longer. I want her again. And again. And again.
After the most restful night of sleep I have ever had, I saunter downstairs in just a dressing gown to find Cody on his computer. I feel refreshed and achy in the best ways. After so many orgasms—I lost count after four—I have never felt this good in my life.
I place my hands on his shoulders and bend down to kiss his neck. He stretches his neck to the side to let me, moaning softly. That’s what I like to hear. He made me feel so good last night and it is a wonder to me that I can do the same. If anything, it is a privilege.
“Good morning,” he says. He spins in his chair to face me. His hands go to my hips and I lean down to kiss him again. It is a ghost of a kiss compared to the lake yesterday, but I relish it all the same. Not everything can be 100 percent passionate 100 per cent of the time. A little simmer is good to make the boil hotter.
“What are you working on?”
He rubs his eyes. He slept next to me last night but knowing him, probably not for long. “Just some paperwork Chief sent me.”
I gauge his mood by the lines under his eyes. “Bad news?”
He nods. “More documents. More bodies. It’s not only tiger shifter DNA, either. There’s a whole host of weird stuff going on.”
I pull out the dining table chair nearest us and sit beside him. “Do you have any leads so far?”
“Aside from you? No. You’re the only help I’ve had in even coming close to solving this.”
I smile, a cute twist to my mouth. He smiles back, a little sad, but persevering all the same.
“Why do you think Miller is doing this? What are they gaining?”
He shrugs and sighs. “No idea, honestly. It just doesn’t make sense. Why experiment for the sake of experimenting so openly? Usually, these kinds of operations are under lock and key, sixty feet underground in a bank vault. No one has storefronts in the middle of the city when they’re doing illegal shit.” He rubs his hands over his eyes.
“We should get out of here. Let’s go for a walk.”
I cannot help my adventurous side. I always landed myself in trouble as a kid for wandering off and getting lost. No one understood that I felt wild inside, as though it was my calling to be free. It must be why I like Cody so much. He is the freest man I have ever met in my life. Whatever the secret to life is, he has it.
We dress quickly, grab some toast, and head out the door in less than 10 minutes. The sun beats down on us although it grows weaker by the day. It is nice to be enjoying the last rays of summer before fall sets in. The magic of the seasons is already turning the forest leaves the same yellow as Cody’s eyes.
I hold one up to him.
“What?” he asks with a smile.
“Nothing. Just admiring your beautiful eyes.”