Page 23 of Her Dragon Outlaw

It is beautiful though, the kind of place that gives you the ability to live.

His voice was a warm chill that freezes and ignites my blood.“Come, I’ll walk you around the property.”

I nod, following him. Cody slows, matching my pace so that we’re side by side. The top of my head comes up just underneath his chest and I'm reminded of how small I am next to him. I try not to think about how close our arms are, how just a small shift to the left would cause our skin to meet. I turn back to the property, trying to slow my heartbeat, which I'm sure he can hear. God I hope not, that would be mortifying.

I'm supposed to be hiding from psychos, not developing white knight syndrome for my… wait what exactly is Cody supposed to be? My partner? My Guard? The guy who offered himself first?

He leads me down the dock, and I find my guard lowering at the sight. The first chirps of peeper frogs ring across the quiet evening, as the first flicking of waking fireflies compete with the fading sun. Cody walks to the edge and sits, letting his legs hang over the dark water.

“What are you going to do while we’re here?” I ask, sitting beside him.

He shrugs, the action more endearing than it should be. Tilting his head to the side he studies me. “Watching you.” Something dark and heated flashed in his golden eyes. “You're a loose end for Miller, especially since you’ve provided the only concrete evidence we have on them. You’re also living proof of the experiments.”

I shiver involuntarily. His words calcify my worries, causing them to rattle like stones in my head.

“I’m not trying to scare you. I just want you to know the facts. Honesty is important to me. I won’t lie.” He holds my gaze, his face stern, earnest. “Even if they try to come for you, they won’t get close.”

The warm oxygen-filled air bubbles in my lungs as if I'd never inhaled properly. My face grows hotter. What’s wrong with me? It has to be the stress finally getting to me. There is no way in hell I’m reading this right.

“Will there be anyone who will miss you while you’re gone besides your mom?” he asks.

“No. My mom and Tammy,” a familiar ache spikes at the sound of Tammy’s name. “They’re all I have.”

“Are you sure? Friends, A boyfriend, those are all mean to you. I need to be able to see all my options so I can keep you safe until they are captured.”

“I’m very sure. I have a small circle of friends, two to be exact, and they both don't live here.” I clear my throat, not sure why my palms suddenly feel wet enough for me to rub them on my thighs. “I don't have a boyfriend,” I said in a traitorously soft voice.

“Good,” he said with a firmness to his tone. “Why?”

“I work too much,” I said simply. “It's hard to give someone time you don't have.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Plus, I’m kinda on a break. I don't always make the best choices when it comes to relationships.”

He gives me a small smile. “Me either.”

There's something about the distant look in his eyes that I don’t like. I want to take it away. “What do you chase?” I ask, leaning forward.

“What do you mean?”

“You know, the thing, the one mistake you keep making when you look for someone?”

His eyebrows raise. “You first.”

“Why do I have to go first?” I pout playfully, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Because I'm a gentleman,” he retorts, his face curving into the least gentlemanly smirk I’ve ever seen.

“Fine, in the spirit of compromise, I guess I will,” I say, stalling for nerves.

“Or you’re going to try and avoid answering by making redundant statements?”

I suck in a harsh breath, pursing my lips at being found out so easily.

“After you,” he presses.

A wave of confidence moves my tongue. If I’m going to get the information I want, I’ll have to make sacrifices.“ I go for the guy I think will make my life exciting. This one who's obviously living by rules the rest of us doesn't understand. But it never works. We never want the same things.”

“What do you want?” his voice dips, so low it’s almost breathy, hungry.

“Someone who wants to be excited about life with me. A family.”