This whole thing is ridiculous. My ankle hurts from the injection and my stomach turns over at the smell of shit in this cubicle. If only I could find some way to make it out of here and get the documents without Cody’s help. There is no way of telling if he even heard me. For all I know, this is some piece of plastic crap and does not even work. Ugh! We should have tested it out. What if Cody never comes and I am stuck in this bathroom forever? I have to eventually go home.
A thought paralyzes me even as I am already paralyzed with indecision. What if the doctors are waiting out there right now—waiting for me to come out so they can kidnap me, kill me, and dump my body? Is that what happened to my sister? Fuck, I cannot let the feelings of despair overwhelm me like that. I need to get a hold of myself. Cody will come, I feel it in my bones.
“Cody!” I whisper-yell into the microphone, my only salvation. “Help!”
The chime of the doorbell announces my entrance and I put on my most charming smile. The lobby doesn't look different from any other medical facility. The space is pumped full of antiseptic giving the air a too-clean feel, it’s cold- why is it always fucking cold? Medical informational’s litter the walls. There are a few sparse patients inside waiting for their names to be called. Why would anyone participate in an anonymous experiment, especially with the anonymous part of what they inject into their bodies?
Humans really are reckless creatures.
I walk straight up to the middle-aged receptionist. Her milky blue eyes were trained on the black computer screen that sat in front of her, a bored expression dawning on her face. Her warm brown hair is pulled into a severe bun, making her look older than she really is.
She was probably going for a professional look, but missed.
The tap tap tap of the keys filled the silence. I approached the desk, drawing her attention up as my shadow descended on her. If the frown lines or stiffness in her spine is anything to go by, she isn't going to be an easy sell.
“Good afternoon, where could I find the person responsible for signing for supplies?”
She turned, her dead blue eyes assessing me. “What supplies?” she asked, her voice surprisingly pleasant, sweet even.
I keep my smile in place. “Needles. Apparently, someone forgot to sign the document to have them transported.”
“Since when is a signature required for needles?” She tilts her head to the side like a bird.
I pulled up the bullshit clipboard I brought with me and made a show of inspecting the document. “It says here that we got a call for a special order.” I heard the almost inaudible shift of the door as Lori slipped in unnoticed. I raise an eyebrow and give the receptionist a slightly disapproving look as if she should be aware of what I’m about to say. “This means that they need to be sterilized before delivery so that they don't compromise the compound being used.”
Her lips pull into a thin line. “Right, of course.” She takes the document, her eyes grazing over it quickly flipping through several pages. Then she scrunches her brow and peers up at me. “Where should I sign?”
Lori’s slim fingers are skimming the files on the shelf behind.
“Just here,” I say pointing to a spot on the page. “And then here.” I point to another. “Then two more times in the back.”
“That’s a lot of signatures for one package,” she comments.
I shrug nonchalantly. “I thought that too. But I’m just the documents guy, I don't make the rules.” I lean in like we're sharing a joke. “But if you want to file a complaint to my boss I can't say I’d mind.”
She shook her head, attempting to disguise the upturn of her lips. “I will if you report mine. The amount of useless paperwork is just as bad as these signatures.”
The receptionist looks up, her face more relaxed now, and she hands the paperwork back to me. “There you go. We should be all set for the drop off at…”
“Six.” I fill in. “The carrier should be in no later than six.”
“Alright then, all set,” she gives me a small smile.
I glance back at Lori, she's still by the files. Her hands shake as she skims through the rows. She frantically pulls and pushes files in and out of place, wiping the sweat from her hands in between.
I hold back the urge to shake my head at the amateur I'm forced to work with. She's going to need more time, I just hope I'm able to give her that.
The receptionist stands angling her body to turn. My pulse picks up its pace, my eyes darting around the room in a desperate attempt to find a distraction. I can't let her turn around.
I settle for the one thing that always works.
"Hey you wouldn't be interested in having dinner with me would you?"
She snapped her head towards me, shock clear in her posture. Despite it, a blush creeps up her pale cheeks, as she takes me in.