After several long minutes, I head back into my apartment where I attempt to sleep. Exhaustion weighs me down like an anchor slipping to the bottom of the ocean and I feel like a ship about to be dashed to pieces.
Where the hell could my sister be? If she is really wrapped up in all this Miller shit, then who knows? But maybe not. I try to stay positive as I curl up under the covers of my bed, the most comfortable and safest place in the world.
Tammy works long hours, so maybe she is just working herself to death again. I did not see any clues for it, but perhaps she is seeing someone and is just ignoring everyone’s calls because she is wrapped up in a love cocoon. Or even, my brain supplies unhelpfully, finally out of options, she is on a vacation. It just does not add up.
I pull my pillow into my bottom and wrap myself around it. This is too much. Too much! I can hardly breathe with how awful I feel thinking about my sister being dead, or worse. The hot guy seemed to think there is something going on here, and if he is really a PEACE agent, then he would know. Probably. Maybe. I do not know.
Even though I am pretty much a seasoned officer by now, the nerves still get to me. I wait in my car outside Miller Labs with anxiety boiling in my gut as I think of a plan. Bust down the door? Call in a terrorist threat? Something equally chaotic that I haven’t thought of yet? No, I need to bide my time until I can be reasonably assured they will not start shredding documents upon my arrival.
I have chewed my thumbnail down to the quick when I see my salvation pull up in the shittiest car imaginable: the woman from the other day. Hallelujah! Someone is smiling down on me today. I jump out of my car to approach her and prepare myself for another resistant conversation. To my surprise, she hurries over, an anxious look on her face.
“My sister is missing,” she says in lieu of hello. I suppose we are not really at the level of formality. “I went to her apartment yesterday and she was gone. I found this there.”
She pulls out a card from her wallet: on it is the number for Miller Labs.
“I don’t know what this shit is but it’s bad.”
“Are you feeling any side effects?” I ask. I want to take her temperature but refrain from touching her. She does not need more intrusions on her body.
“Not yet. I’m more worried about my sister though. I think…” She takes a breath. “You might be onto something with Miller.”
My hopes rise as she says it. Does this mean…?
“I’m willing to be your informant. As long as you can promise to keep me safe. No criminal charges, no government officials stalking me. None of that, okay?”
I breathe a sigh of relief. “Yeah, I can do that. I promise I’ll make sure that I’m the only one you have contact with while you’re on the job. You’ll have my protection 100 percent.”
She nods, the line between her brows creased in nervousness.
“What’s your name?”
“Lori Dunning.”
“I’m Agent Cody Belden. I’ll take care of you.”
My words have the effect I intended. Lori relaxes slightly and nods, taking a deep breath. She is preparing herself as well. It cannot be easy for her, what with her sister missing and the threat of whatever is going to happen to her hanging over her head, but the way she steadies herself by planting her feet on the ground with strength and power gives me even more hope that we can get this done.
Also, it is nice for someone to believe in me. My coworkers are great and their support is appreciated, but I can tell they are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I am the outcast at the station: not a rising champion but someone who is always a stone’s throw away from fucking up for good. Evan Peters only looks out for me in case I screw up. I need to prove myself with this case. I need to prove I am a good agent and that I deserve my place on the force.
“What do I do?” Lori asks.
I give her instructions: go into the laboratory, do what you need to do, and get the injections. Don’t arouse suspicion by asking too many questions. I pull a necklace from my pocket that has a listening device attached to it.
“I can hear anything that is said through your necklace, but you won’t be able to hear me. I’ll be listening through this.” I show her the earbud recorder currently sitting in my ear. “If you can get proof—documents, word of mouth, anything like that—it would help a lot.”
Lori nods, albeit reluctantly while looking at the necklace. “Promise I’ll be safe.”
I bend down to look into her eyes. It’s hard to get to her level, given our height difference, but I manage. I cannot help but notice how attractive she is, but I push the intrusive thoughts away, not giving it any importance. I do not need any distractions right now.
More importantly than being attractive, she is brave, caring, and willing to do the right thing.
“I promise. If you need anything, just say the word ‘Thursday’ and I’ll come running.” He gives her a smile he hopes will inspire some more bravery in her, a reassuring smile. “I’ll bust down the door if I have to.”
“Thursday, okay.” She takes a deep, steadying breath and adjusts her jacket. She looks skyward once, as though asking for guidance and strength from a higher power. She clears her throat. “I’ll be right back.”