She grimaces a little bit.
“No, I suppose I’m not.”
“And why is that?”
She puts another piece of popcorn in her mouth, and her eyes furrow as she struggles to contain the pain of the spicyness.
“I guess I just really don’t like the idea of losing you,” she admits. “When people get married, friends lose touch with each other. They have kids.”
“That isn’t going to happen,” I say.
“You can say it isn’t going to happen, but nobody really wants it to.”
I shake my head in disbelief. She stands up, putting the popcorn on the table and moving to comfort me.
“Look,” she says. “I need to give your boyfriend… or fiance, I guess… more of a chance. I know that. And I’m going to, because you mean everything to me.”
She hugs me.
“And yes. I’m enormously happy for you,” Rory adds. “I’m sorry if I have trouble showing that. I guess I just really miss you.”
I nod.
“He really loves me, and I really love him,” I say.
“And that’s what matters,” she tells me. Then she begrudgingly adds, “He’s a great guy, even if he is a vampire. I know you two will be great together.”
She picks up her popcorn, and moves to leave. Her shift starts soon.
Before she heads out the door, she looks back at me, and adds, “Tell that vampire you love that I’m sorry, and that I’m thanking him for everything back at the cave.”
“Tell him yourself,” I counter.
Her eyebrows raise, as her hand grips the popcorn in her grasp more tightly.
“There’s no way you’re not coming to the wedding,” I reassure her. “I want you to be my maid of honor. And I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer.”
She smiles widely, not sure what to say. Eventually, she simply nods, before heading out the door.
I’m relieved that went so well. And I’m promising myself now, that no matter how close Caspian and I get, Rory will always remain my best friend.
The day has finally arrived. With confidence, I can now utter that the lovely Quinn will be mine, and mine alone.
All of our friends and family have come to celebrate the occasion.
Her mother approaches me at the cocktail bar and thanks me for inviting her, because she knows that Quinn would have never agreed to it. I tell her that if she has neglected her daughter as much as Quinn says she did, she missed out on knowing a wonderful human.
That shuts her mother up. She walks away from me, congratulates me, and leaves the sanctuary.
“Wow, that was impressive.”
Rory comes up from behind me, surprising me.
I’m still astounded that the woman is even speaking to me. I thought she would be most interested in keeping this marriage from happening.