Page 76 of Take You Down

I nod my head. I’m sure it is for them, if they have actually seen any of it. They aren’t on social media, and besides the daily news, neither of them spends much time on the internet. Don’t want anything to be a temptation or distraction from Him.

“You’ve mentioned in previous interviews that you moved out to L.A., as soon as you turned eighteen. Do you get home to visit often?”

I shake my head.

“Well, I’m sure they’re proud of everything you’ve accomplished lately,” Allison offers, finally seeming to have picked up on the shift in my demeanor since the topic of family arose.

“I bet they are,” I say sarcastically, the words spilling out before I can stop them.

But I wouldn’t know if that’s true or not, because I haven’t heard a single peep from them in four years.

My mind feels like it’s underwater for the last bit of the interview, clouded with thoughts of Beth and the fact that I still haven’t responded to her. I know in my heart, I’m going to end up going. But I still like the idea that right now it’s not confirmed. I could still back out.

But something Allison says snags my attention and brings me back into the moment. “There have been a few people who have come forward now, claiming to be old friends of yours and selling stories and photos of you partying from years ago. And there has also been a source, allegedly a close source to you, that has said you’ve been spending time out in clubs and bars along the road, potentially falling back into bad habits.”

I stare at her, blinking. What is she asking me?

“Is there a question in there?” I ask, only feeling slightly bad when Allison winces at my tone.

“I guess what I’m wondering, and I’m sure others are wondering is, how do you feel about that? And do you have anything to say in response?”

I crack my knuckles one by one, letting that information sink in for a moment. I knew that people were selling old photos and stories of me, but nothing is worse than what is already out so I haven’t sweated it.

But an alleged close source who is saying that I’ve been out partying on the road…that’s a new one.

“I have nothing to say to those people who have chosen to sell stories about my past and post old photos of me. I’m not at that point in my life anymore and if that is the way they can make a few bucks, go for it.”

I sit up straighter and deliver my next answer with zero room for misinterpretation. “But as far as that ‘close source’ goes, I’m not sure who it is and honestly I don’t care. Have I been out to a few clubs after shows with friends? Yes. But I have maintained my sobriety for almost two years now and that’s something I’m very proud of. So don’t get that twisted. I can still go out and have fun with my boyfriend and friends, and not drink. Whoever that is, needs to get their facts straight.”

With that said, I slump back against the back of the couch and relish in the thumbs up that Vik shoots my way.



“Is this dude going to ask us about anything other than you and Scar?” Hayden whispers, putting his hand over his mic and leaning back in his chair so mine doesn’t pick it up either.

I roll my eyes and crack my knuckles, annoyed as much as the rest of the guys. Every single interview we’ve sat down for the past couple weeks have been all focused around my relationship with Scar and the article. I’ve said “no comment” so many times that it doesn’t even sound like English anymore.

The four of us are crammed in a small radio studio with some jackass whose voice, I’m pretty sure, is fake. When he’s off the air, it goes up at least two octaves, and I look around each time it changes to see if anyone else is noticing.

We’ve been sitting here for almost ten minutes and the majority of the time he’s spent talking about Scar and asking us about her, now directing his questions at the other guys since I’m refusing to speak anymore.

It’s not my place to speak on her behalf at all. She didn’t get to tell her own story the first time, and I’m not going to continue to take that away from her.

The rest of the guys are as fed up with it as me. Nikolai has completely checked out of the interview, typing away at his phone, talking to who knows who. Reid sits sullenly in his chair, headphones half hanging off his ears. When we make eye contact, his face cools, shooting me an icy look.

What it’s for? Couldn’t fucking tell you.

Hayden has been the only one trying to engage and shift the direction of the conversation, but I can tell he’s about to hit his wit’s end. But his cheeks are full of color and he sits high in his chair, at ease and finally appearing somewhat relaxed. If there’s one silver lining for mine and Scar’s relationship being the main topic of conversation lately, it’s that interviewers have finally left Hayden and Nikolai alone with questions about the shooting.

“Did you know about her problems with alcohol before getting involved with her, or did she reveal them to you after she already had you tied into a relationship?”

My eyes about pop out of their sockets at the audacity of this fucker and his question.

“You know how women can be.” The guy laughs, looking at others to join in.

They all sit silently.