Page 52 of Take You Down

Hayden laughs and walks in stride with Jane, the two of them chatting as we go.

Just as we’re about to exit, Carter walks by, Daniel hot on her heels. Neither of them looks very happy.

“We’re headed out if you guys want to join once you’re wrapped up with Boone,” I offer Carter, trying to silently check in without asking in front of everyone if she's all right. “I can text you the details.”

“We’re good,” Daniel cuts in, shooing Carter along. He doesn’t even make eye contact with me, just completely brushes us off.

My head whips back at his tone, but all it takes is one look from Carter that keeps me from snapping back at him, knowing it would just make her night worse.

“Fucking hate that guy,” I mumble, pushing out the exit door, Walker close behind me.

The night air is cool against my hot skin, and I welcome the brief chill before we all pile into a black SUV waiting to take us to the club.

“Where are we going?” I ask, sandwiching myself in between Walker and Reid in the second row, Nikolai riding shotgun, and Jane and Hayden in the back.

“Just settle in and trust the ride,” Nikolai says, kicking his feet up on the dash and cranking up the radio, silencing any further conversation for the duration of the drive.



I’ve finally calmed down enough and adjusted myself by the time we’re all piling out of the car and spilling into the club through the building's back entrance. There was a long line wrapped around the block up front and we didn’t want to draw any extra attention to ourselves by walking past folks waiting.

I look over at Hayden, eyeing him up to see how he’s doing. It’s his first time he’s gone out to a bar or club since the shooting. He’s said the packed crowds and dark lighting put him on edge now where he used to find freedom in it. But he looks mostly at ease, Jane walking next to him and chatting his ear off, likely helping keep his mind off of his anxiety.

As we step inside, my eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness that sucks us all in, air rife with the scent of sweaty bodies and expensive champagne. Reid leads us through the crowd, us all following in a single file behind him as we walk through to the VIP section upstairs. A few people turn and do a double take, recognition washing over their faces as they drink and dance, tracking us all the way to the stairs currently being blocked off by a meaty bouncer. I grab Scar’s hand from behind me, pulling her close to my back.

Words I can’t hear over the booming club music are exchanged between Reid and the guy, before he’s stepping aside and letting us through.

The area up here is next to empty, only a few cocktail waitresses roaming about, trying to make themselves look busy wiping down tables that already look clean and hovering for refills on drinks that the few patrons up here still have half full.

A short man in a neatly pressed suit appears out of nowhere, gesturing to a section of plush couches that overlook the dance floor at the farthest end of the space, guiding us toward them. I reach behind me for Scar and pull her around in front of me, following her as we walk over and settle in. Before my ass even hits the couch, a waitress appears, body encased in a short, dark red dress with a plunging neckline. Her eyes flit around the group in a knowing gaze, clearly aware of who we are and sizing each of us guys up, her attention catching on Reid the longest.

“Welcome to Indigo,” she purrs, voice soft but loud enough to be heard over the music. “My name is Alex and you just let me know whatever you all need tonight.” The double meaning rings loud and clear. “Shall I bring a few bottles over for the table to start?” She directs the question to the group but continues to eye Reid.

“We’ll do a round of tequila shots,” Reid says, elbowing Jane as she perks up at the mention of her favorite liquor. “And I’ll take a whiskey sour.”

“A bottle of champagne as well, please,” Jane adds.

“Gin and tonic,” Nikolai orders next, Hayden echoing the same thing for himself.

By the time the waitress’s attention is on myself and Scar, everyone else is chatting among themselves. I look at Scar first, waiting for her to order.

“I’ll take a club soda and lime please.”

“Any spirits?”

“No thanks.”

I wrap my hand around Scar’s thigh, rubbing my thumb back and forth over the ripped denim.

“Can I just get a Red Bull?”

Alex nods her head, sashaying away to get our drinks going.

Scar leans in, making sure I can hear her over the music. “You can have a drink, you know.”

I take a deep breath in, enjoying the faint vanilla scent of her hair as it falls over her shoulder and curtains us off in our own little world.